Hopefully they will be for the better. To ensure this. I want ideas from you, the community.
There's an obvious dislike to the way things currently are, so I want to listen to what changes you guys want, and assuming it's for the greater good of the community, and not just to benefit one or two individuals, where possible, I'll implement said changes.
Let's just get one or two things straight first.
I cannot, and will not remove advertisements. I'm literally going to get pissed at you if you even suggest it, because I've just said it here. I can't. Question it, or moan about it, and it's only going to hinder any further suggestions you make. I know they're shit, and I know nobody likes them. For the time being, you're gonna have to deal with it.
Just because you suggest something, doesn't mean it's going to happen. I need evidence that it will benefit most, if not all of the community. It should also be noted that I have both limited FTP access as of posting, and my knowledge of PHP is limited. If you're going to suggest something that heavily involves coding, please provide me with adequate instructions, or if you're capable... offer to help me. Bitching or suggesting that I shouldn't be in my position if I don't know PHP inside and out isn't going to progress anything, or speed anything up. I was selected for this job primarily to reorganise the boards, and make the layout as similar as possible to the old BB2 board... as after the upgrade, it was pretty much screwed. This didn't entail any coding, and so I was fine for the job. If you have any issues here, PM me.
Now that's outta the way... let's get cracking.
Post your ideas here. If you strongly agree with an idea, quote it in your post or something.
Here are my initial plans, please provide feedback on them... or disagree with them with reasoning.
- Fix the emblem system..........................✔(Big thanks to XMT for the help)
- Reinstate the staff members that resigned....✔ (Have started, this process will happen over a week or so)
- Fix the Readers Club.............................✔(Thanks to Tural for the help)
- Introduce new style sheet(s).