Community Game Day
Hello, HaloMods Community!
Some of us started discussing a series of ongoing community gaming sessions a few weeks ago, but nothing ever really got off the ground. Having played Halo 3 with Ketchup_Bomb, SHOUTrvb, and warlord last night, I once again realized how much fun it is to play online with long-time friends. As a result, I'm starting up a HaloMods Community Game Day.
My goal for this is nothing special. I'm simply planning an event in which much of the community will hopefully participate.
I know that there's some aggravation among members due to the forum changes and new administration, and I'm hoping to cool that down a little. Let's just all get together and have a good time.
Without further ado, here it is:
Halo 3: Saturday, April 11, 2:00 PM EST
(Sorry it's a little early for those on the U.S. west coast, but it's already pretty late in England)
[Time Zone Converter] (use Boston or New York City as your initial location)
Obviously you'll need:
- -A Halo 3 disc
-An Xbox LIVE account
-An Xbox headset
How it works:
Just post your gamertag along with any additional information for me to know. Make sure you state your gamertag clearly if, for example, it has both O's and zeros in it. Then I'll send out an Xbox LIVE message to everyone on the list a little before the party starts on the 11th. Open the message, go to my Gamer Card, and join the session in progress. Don't delete the message; you might need to rejoin if some problem arises.
That's about it; I hope to see you all there. It would be great to see some newer members getting more involved with the HaloMods community.
(Other staff members can feel free to participate in the event or to arrange future events like this one)
A list of those who have expressed interest in participating for any amount of time:
- HM Username - XBL Gamertag
RaVNzCRoFT - ravnzcroft
xbox - avp DRAGON
Ketchup_Bomb - Ketchup Bomb
Aumaan Anubis - Supreme Apollo
CabooseJr - Shirayuki Jr
footbal9584 - Zammamee
V0Lt4Ge - o V0Lt4Ge o
shadowkhas - sh4dowkhass
Leodmanx2 - DeorcBrondPK
Tural - Tural
SHOUTrvb - Mister Myles
Yodel - El Dr Jan Itor
DEEhunter - DEEhunter1
-DeToX- - omgwtfroflamobbq/MyLilPwney
Anetheon - Anetheon
Geo - I iGeo I
Proclaimer001 - Proclaimer001
mxrider108 - mxrider
Sarb - Sarbjit
DarkShallFall - DarkShallFall
Advancebo - Advancebo1
MrMurder - MrMurder TMOJ
Rogue_Modder - Roguie Modder