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Post by xgamer » moderators, delete this post because I don't know how, thanks!
Last edited by xgamer on Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Help needed on a 4 very specific things!

Post by DemonicSandwich »

1) [vehi] tag. Seats reflexive. Bottom of that reflexive you have a value named "Enter seat distance". You can increase this as much you want but the player's character will only "search" for an open seat up to 3 world units away. Which is about 30 feet.

2) You can attach objects like the one in the video by using the "Attachments (Objects)" reflexive in the [hlmt] tag. But that is as far as your intentions will go with this.
Lets say you attach a banshee to the warthog, you can indeed climb into the banshee but it WILL NOT fly since it is attached to something else. Same applys to a banshee attached to a player, the banshee won't fly. Not only that but you cannot enter the seat of a vehicle attached to your own bipd.

3) Nope. There is a setting in the [weap] tag that determines what trigger is used but to have the button change depending on how you hold them is stored in the XBE. You cannot change them in the matter you are specifying.
The gravity gun did not have tree functions, only two. It had one projectile linked to the L trigger and another linked to the R trigger. (Push and Pull)

4) In the [scnr] tag there are some Idents labeled "Starting Weapons". I don't believe you can spawn with three weapons but you certainly can spawn with two of your choice.
AIM wrote:Demonic5andwich (6:10:10 PM): structure of a first person weapon animation:
Demonic5andwich (6:10:43 PM): mess, mess, maybe a node?, another header?! wtf!, more mess, tacos, more shit

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Re: Help needed on a 4 very specific things!

Post by Zieon_Eslador »

3. Duplicate a weapon and have it spawn a collision-less invisible banshee, then you have to hit R then X quickly but it is probably the closest thing to what you are thinking of...
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Re: Help needed on 6 very specific things!

Post by NotZachary82 »

6. In the [mulg] tag, swap the smg for your duplicated plasma pistol in the "Weapon Palette" reflexive (could also be labeled as "Weapons" depending on plugins).
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