Doom 1 - Hanger

Finish a new model/mesh? Got something you're working on? Finish a new map? Here's the place to post it for feedback and whatnot.
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Post by {TP}Spartan »

All looks nice except for top left corner in last screenie
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Post by SHOUTrvb »

It needs new lighting. So far, the concept it pretty tight, but it still doesn't completely capture that origianl DOOM feel. It needs to be darker and more horrific.
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Darken it.
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Post by Andrew_b »

SHOUTrvb wrote:It needs new lighting. So far, the concept it pretty tight, but it still doesn't completely capture that origianl DOOM feel. It needs to be darker and more horrific.
Yes, we just want to get the level designing part out of the way before we actually start making the .map.
[-[HΣLL KnighT]-]: the lightmaps right now are completely blank
[-[HΣLL KnighT]-]: thel lights will be fixed later
[-[HΣLL KnighT]-]: and that i know in the last pic
[-[HΣLL KnighT]-]: there are two stairs instead of 3
[-[HΣLL KnighT]-]: and ill fix that soon ;)
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Post by Tman450 »

If you need it,I have a brighter pic,:D
Also,I have Doom '95 for PC,so if you need any reference pics PM me,or my xfire,tman450.


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Post by metkillerjoe »

Tman450 wrote:If you need it,I have a brighter pic,:D
Also,I have Doom '95 for PC,so if you need any reference pics PM me,or my xfire,tman450.

Tman, you just bumped a many months old thread *tisk tisk*.

Secondly, when they are talking about "lightmaps" they mean a map/texture that will fill the entire level with static ambient light, ergo they do not need a picture (and I'm sure that they already have the game for reference).

Kudos for trying to help, but, again, please don't bump and post things that you might not be sure about.

On topic: Is this mod still going? Or did you guys enter a hiatus that you never came out of?
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Post by CDK908 »

[14:03] Corvus (thedoomfreak): This map has just been started up again, yeah, we kinda got lazy on it. A lot of things are being reformed and scrapped to be restarted. A lot of things were really messy, trying to clean it up a bit. For whatever reason I'm still RC'd even though my time was up, so I'm communicating through this vessel. (This is hell_knight)
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Re: Doom 1 - Hanger

Post by hell_knight »


Textures, lightmap, and pretty much everything else is largely unfinished. I also made my first animation ever, and I'll probably have to remake it because it looks terrible...
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