You seem to be going through the same skinning thoughts as I did at one time. Your thinking too much about "What would be most Realistic" instead of what it looks like. The sand and Sea Shells for exsample. Its Low rez and how many times have you seen sea shells in repetitive order.
in-game the sells are too small to notice that they are repeating, but the part about them being low rez, i can't argue with that.
Is it just me of does it go from highres to blur (stretch)?
neither, that part of the pic is where the cliff wall is viewed at an angle, making it look like the texture is warped.
Meh. I like t3h purple better. Probably because I'm used to it.
that brings up the whole opinion thing, for example im sure that if philly was making this mod the lightmaps would be orange
The Hills have eyes... and are sandy white. Play around with colors AND TEXTURES.
ok, so darker where it's bright, and less shadows
Hmm. More Fester?
You mean make him look more rotten and falling apart?
And Guy, if you mean the repeating X's thats default bumpmaps for the level, i just didn't bother editing them cuz i suck at making bumpmaps (the last one i edited took about a week and a half to get working