- Edit any User map, right out of the Container and without the actual map file on your computer.
- Edit any Film or Film Clip right out of the Container.
- Swap, clone and duplicate placement chunks in User maps.
- Built in resigner.
Please keep all mods off of Xbox LIVE and File shares.
How to use:
Using Forge is pretty straight forward. Open your user map and edit what ever you want. Resign, and transfer it to your Xbox 360.
Here is a tutorial TheEazyB Created: Tutorial
Q: Forge refuses to start.
A: Download and install the latest .NET Framework.
Q: Still doesn't start.
A: Post your operating system in this thread. And refer to the known bugs in this post.
Shade45: White paper.
TheEazyB: Testing along with reporting bugs to me. Tutorial.
Unknown v2: Testing along with reporting bugs to me.
Known Bugs:
- Some of the UI components may overlap on smaller resolutions.