Associateing Enums

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Associateing Enums

Post by DEEhunter »

I have a application that edits the many stored bytes of a file. It opens a file and displays the editable information in combo boxes but I can never make it actually read the byte and display the associated information. Say I have this in a read function:

reader.BaseStream.Position = 0xblahblah;
Charactertype Ctype = (Charactertype)reader.ReadByte();
this.combobox.SelectedIndex = (int)Ctype;
playerType = (int)Ctype;
And I have this as my enum:
public enum Charactertype : byte
chartype1 = 0xblah,
chartype2 = 0xblah
And this as my combobox entries:
How would I make my read function Read the byte and Select the correct combo box entry? I will also need it to save information if the user changes the entry.

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Re: Associateing Enums

Post by xzodia »

Have you already added the entries to the combobox?
If so then it should work...but try using Decimals instead of hex

reader.BaseStream.Position = -Decimal Offset-;
Charactertype Ctype = (Charactertype)reader.ReadByte();
this.combobox.SelectedIndex = (int)Ctype;
playerType = (int)Ctype;

public enum Charactertype : byte
chartype1 = -Decimal Byte-,
chartype2 = -Decimal Byte-

And this as my combbox entries:
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