Be patient, if it takes a month, it takes a month, if it takes two, it takes two. I'm sure conure has better / more important things to do than sit at his computer hours on end fixing a little application for halo.
conure wrote:Well i will let this picture speak for its self....
If you dont understand the program this is a in-map, automated, chunk cloner (and possibly adder if i ever feel like adding that little code bit).
Anyway heres the appy (windows only for the moment)
1.Dont attempt to do anything with the scnr if you dislike exception errors
2.To have more tag types supported add a .ent tag to the plugin folder that contains structure info
3.The hudg plugin seems to make the appy exception for a unknown reason....
4.Cookies are mandatory for proggie use
Thanks to altimit for help with listbox info..
This dosen't even work! All it does when you open a map is give you a free exception when you click on stuff, so yeah. It dosen't work!!!
For some reason when I load a map file, no tags are loaded and when I click in the white space it gives me an exception. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
HaloAdept wrote:For some reason when I load a map file, no tags are loaded and when I click in the white space it gives me an exception. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
HaloAdept wrote:For some reason when I load a map file, no tags are loaded and when I click in the white space it gives me an exception. Any suggestions on how to fix this?