well this is pretty cool, you will be adding a trigger, projectile and even a magazine setup.
(all done in entity)
Step 1: (duplicating the trigger) Go to [weap] battle rifle, open up the chunk cloner and duplicate the trigger chunk
Step 2: (adding an alternative projectile) Go to [weap] rocket launcher, open up the chunk cloner. then go to projectiles reflexive and select chunk number 0. Hit copy to clip board. Now go back to the battle rifle and open up the chunk cloner again. Select the projectiles reflexive and hit "add to selected reflex/chunk" and then hit "add meta to map"
Step 3: (override secondary trigger) Open the meta editor and scroll to just about the middle until you find a flag called "secondary trigger overrides gernades". check it!
Step 4: (setup) still in the meta editor
a) go down to the triggers reflexive box. Select chunk number 1.
b)Now change the "proj used (1)(index)" and the "proj used (1)(index)" to chunk 1 (objects\weapons\rocket_launcher\rocket).
c) Change the "button used" from R to L
d) in the projectiles reflexive box below, you will find a Ident box with Proj-objects\weapons\support_high\rocket_launcher\projectiles\rocket
change this to "objects\weapons\grenade\frag_grenade\frag_grenade"
e) Now go to the Proj tag class and select the frag_grenade. Set its initial and final velocity to somewhere around 10.
Step 5: (add a magazine to set ammunition for the grenade launcher and to even pick up ammo)
a) go to [weap] and select the rocket_launcher
b)Switch to the reference editor and open up the chunk cloner
c)Under the magazine reflexive select its only chunk, copy it to clip board and the close the cloner.
d) go to [weap] battle_rifle and open up the chunk cloner again select the magazines reflexive and hit "add to selected reflex/chunk". after that hit "add meta to map".
e)go to the meta editor and scroll down to the magazines reflexive box and select chunk 1. Im going to make it so I can only fire 6 shots. This is how I did it. change the initial rounds, max rounds, max rounds loaded, max rounds held and rounds reloaded all to 6.
f)Now go down to the inner reflexive labeled magazines and change it to Eqip-objects\weapons\grenade\frag_grenade\frag_grenade. Set rounds to 1 so you get 1 grenade when you pick up one grenade lol.
Go to the projectiles reflexive box, select reflexive 0 where it says
Int16 block index[0:108]magazine (index)
change it to 1:6.
1 is the reflexive number and 6 is the max rounds held
step 6: (more tweaks)
a) under projectiles/reflexive 1: change the chamber time from 0.8 to 2.
b) fix system link
c) if your are using boxer you will have to check the prevents melee flag
-if you use all of your grenades, the primary trigger goes into single shot.
-I have followed this tut as I made it and tested so its all good
-Im working on making it so when you hold down the trigger it shoots the secondary projectile, just a few more tweaks and then I will write another tut)
making Grenade Launcher battle rifle
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:33 pm
making Grenade Launcher battle rifle
Broke my xbox
- DrFlatulator
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