The weapons are kind of placed haphazardly in places, not really uniform.
games types Oddball/Race/KotH are supported but not really defined.
*--- "pyramid_alpha" ---*
Map created by: TheSeventhCircle
Release Date: February 22, 2008
Description: A mid-sized to Large Map featuring two pyramids with roman architechture, a roman sacrificial temple,
a waterfall, and a tomb with lush gardens.
About: Featuring lush gardens in the pyramids and tomb, this map uses a lot of scenery and custom grass elements,
both of which may disappear and reappear depending on hardware of machine, but it shouldn't effect gameplay,
just visuals.
Recommendation: This map is best made for team game modes (CTF) and Slayer. All game types are supported.
This map is best made for large amounts of players.
Notes: Since this is still Alpha, there is little balancing as far as weapons, and the lightmap is little off in places.
This is my first release, but my fourth attempt at creating a map. This is first time i have gotten to a semi-playable
The bitmaps made for this map were completely made by me, and i made them very large for maximum quality and
detail, so some slower machines may feel a bit sluggish. All feedback regarding slowdown would be greatly
> Map
> Bitmaps
> Custom "Grass" Scenery
> Railgun
Download: ... einfo.html