Locking topics and just leaving the issue

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Locking topics and just leaving the issue

Post by warlord »

I've noticed that when topics run out of control or maybe there is alot of flaming that the thread will be locked but seems like nothing else is done.
I may well be wrong here but instead of just locking the thread, why not deal with the members involved as well, the strike system worked well for its time. but now staff either lock the thread or put members in the readers club and i feel like either the old system is redesigned to accommodate the readers club or a new system is thought up.
just my thoughts.

- Warlord
SHOUTrvb wrote:I'm in love with Tural, but I keep having all these negative discussions with him.
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Post by Tural »

Records are kept, and if issues continue with a member, they will be punished accordingly. Why would members get three chances to break rules before they are punished? The situation should never occur. If it's severe, they are punished on the spot. If they're blatantly flaming, they go to the RC. There second chance comes after they get out, as they should never have done the initial action. A strike system just postpones a problem until a later date. There is no problem with the way things are done now. If you have a specific case, present it, else you have nothing to support your side.

Also, to be perfectly honest, if we went to the strike system, you'd currently be facing two permanent bans, on account of six prior offenses. Would you like us to go on a black and white definition? Seems that would be against your wishes.

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Post by warlord »

Just look in the halo pc section to find what im mentioning.
And on the subject of my offences me and Locke and several staff have discussed this before in private which you may or may not know in which we came to a agreement.
that agreement has been kept to whether you think so or not so there would be little point to ban me again when my record as far as i have been told have been swept clean other than the minor disagreement with Veegie.
SHOUTrvb wrote:I'm in love with Tural, but I keep having all these negative discussions with him.
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Post by Tural »

I stated list specific cases, a board name is not a specific case.

Your record does not just "go away." If another staff member does something and fails to inform everyone else, especially on such a large issue as a member being completely let off from several rule breaking instances, they are to be held responsible for the actions taken by any. Nobody has been informed about you, and it's really overstepping boundaries for someone to claim they can just erase your record. I'm presenting it to show you how broken the strike system is, not harass you about what you've done in the past. I am stating that if we used the strike system, you would be permanently banned. You can't treat every situation as black and white using strikes. We can't say "Three rules broken, ban" - Consider that some may be very minor, and have no real impact on anything, but were against the rules nevertheless. Your agreement with Locke would be invalid in the strike system, because it would eliminate any portion of subjectivity, which is what that situation is.
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Post by CabooseJr »

I warn users that the topic will be locked if the flaming continues. Once they see my warning, they stop flaming and get on with the topic.
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Post by theycallmechad »

Whoah, I totally missed something. When did we get deputies? Why do we need them? What authority do they have?

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Post by JK-47 »

They are just moderators who have power in one section. In Caboos's case, he moderates the Halo PC section only.
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Post by Iron_Forge »

Strike systems only work with clear cut quantitative rules...Such as sig violations...If you constantly break a clear cut rule, then you're an idiot, and need to go away...All other rules are purely quantitative...Was the flame minor, intentional?..What was the situation behind the flame?..A simple rule of 3 strikes and your out, what if the user flames twice with very intentional, blatant targets...I don't want to ban them, followed by an uproar of their friends complaining that they only had 2 strikes, and they shouldn't have been banned yet...

I much prefer the method of staff using their own digression...Users can always PM an admin after being in the Readers Club if they believe it wasn't justified...
...Thats right...I invented modding...So give me Wii Points...
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