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Post by DeadHamster »

Recently a member of this site, SL!P, was permanently put in the Reader's Club. The reasoning for this was that he posted a message saying he illegaly obtained a copy of photoshop. It was brought to his attention that this was a bad thing to do, and he then edited the post so that it didn't contain this information anymore.

Another member of the site, Pepsi, posted a message with a picture of SL!P's post before he changed it, quoting halomods rules on the illegalness of posting warez, and then put a humorous image about self ownage.

The topic can be found Here.

While I do see how a mod here would find it justifiable to give him RC time, I do not see him being a permanent edition to the RC as neccescary.

I find that pepsi's post was a bit out of line, simply telling SL!P to change his post and leaving it at that would've been an appropiate way to handle the situation, but he instead chose to take a screen of the message that SL!P posted, with the sole intent on getting him banned. I have a lot of respect for Pepsi and I have no problems with him at all, I've talked to him multiple times over Xfire and find him to be a very cool person, however I still have my own views and opinions, and I see this as taking things too far.

While yes it is neccescary to punish people for breaking the rules, he fixed the problem rather quickly before it caused any other problems, and I don't believe his actions really merit a "full membership" into the Reader's Club.

I understand that I am not staff and have no say in how this site is run, however I am merely requesting that the people on this site who are staff reconsider the amount of time SL!P is being put into the RC for.

Thank you for your time in reading this, I would also like to add a small disclaimer that any and all of the above are my thoughts and words, I have not been asked by anyone to post this, I did so because I saw something that I felt was unfair, and chose to voice my opinion rather then let it go.
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Post by G.I.R. »

Warez has always been against the rules here. You don't talk about them, period. /thread, lock plz.
I think Noobraska is a pretty cool state. eh grows corn and doesn't afraid of anythng.
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Post by GametagAeonFlux »

Warez is warez. We're not giving him special treatment, because then everyone else would start demanding it for their sentences.
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Post by DeadHamster »


Yes they are illegal, but he wasn't giving a download link, he wasnt showing where to get it. All he did was say that he had, and then he quickyl edited the post so that It didn't say that. It's not like som person is going to be on this site completely oblivious to the fact that they can get free copies of programs, see his post, and say "OMG I can do that? Im going to right now!"

If they wanted to, they would, if they didn't, they wouldn't, it's not like his post convinced someone to do it, nor was it linking to anything illegal. It was merely admitting that they do exist. If I go into a police station and say "There's cocaine in the world.", I wont be arrested. It's stating well known information. That's the same thing he did.


I see your point, and it makes sense. You cant give one person special treatment.
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Post by G.I.R. »

DeadHamster wrote:If I go into a police station and say "There's cocaine in the world.", I wont be arrested. It's stating well known information. That's the same thing he did.
Except if you went into a police station and told them you had cocaine, they'd probably search you, and then if you had any, you'd be arrested.
I think Noobraska is a pretty cool state. eh grows corn and doesn't afraid of anythng.
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Post by GametagAeonFlux »

Guess I forgot to lock this...locked.
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Post by Tural »

DeadHamster wrote:I see your point, and it makes sense. You cant give one person special treatment.
I told him that last night, before you posted this. You have no authority to go out of your way to make an argument on his behalf, especially without consulting him to see what he knew about the situation. Next time, maybe you should take the time to see what has already been discussed before trying to argue a case that has been settled.

The bottom line is, he said he had warez, that is against the rules, it always has been, and the punishment is always the same. He is not special, his punishment matches any other.

Permanent RC. Final.

I wish I had the quote from Veegie that said "Contrary to popular belief, you do not set the terms of your ban."