What Language do you program in?

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Post by OwnZ joO »

Prey wrote:Native C++ still provides total and ultimate control.. Managed just isn't as flexible, especially C# as it's owned by Microsoft and so supported only on their platforms. No.. C# won't ever take over C++ in the games industry...But that's why the new C++ is somewhere on the horizon =z

@Evan: If you want to get into game dev. with native C++, then the tutorials here.. and later the articles/forum here.. you should find useful.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking when I said that, I should have said that you could get away with writing games in C# now, because aren't 360 games in C# with the XNA game studio? That's only if you just want to code for windows and xbox360. I would start there if you're a beginner and don't want to deal with pointers and memory leaks in your application.
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Post by Tural »

The XNA framework is for smaller developers, it isn't used to develop full retail games. It's a good way to learn the fundamentals of game programming, but not an accurate way to gauge larger game development.
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Post by Prey »

Yea the XNA API is meant to be used with C#.. but I think there's some way to make it run with VB as well thesedays..

XNA is good for hobbyists because it lessens development time dramamtically. And it's good for beginners who want to get into the game industry one day, because they can learn game concepts from it.. as well as what it means to work with others in a team, etc..

If you want my advice.. use XNA to make 1-2 games you're actually proud of.. then move on to native C++. No point staying too long in XNA, because it won't do much good as the unmanaged world is a very different place..
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Post by shadowkhas »

I don't program in any languages, but I can understand stuff about Mac OS X plists and I'm fairly decent at tweaking them and customizing things.

Also, I can hack anyone's registry over the internet. True story.
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Post by xbox7887 »

Evan wrote:Btw does anyone have any good ASM and C++ tutorials? xbox?
Self taught, but feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions ^_^
bcnipod wrote:I don't think I will ever learn C# only because I don't think I could keep a straight face while doing it. Here is the reason behind it:
One day i was on a forum, posting stuff, then i see i had a reply to something i posted, it was a flame, and it read "I am going to hack your computer using my awesome C# programming skills!" or something like that, it had a lot of caps and the letter "Z" in it. I then laughed knowing that you can only use C# if you have mono frameworks installed. I laughed at that because I am a total nerd and laugh at that sort of stuff.
Actually the .NET framework is quite dangerous when it comes to virus programming and the likes. It allows you to create metamorphic code which essentially means the decompilation, editation, and recompilation of your current application allowing for some serious stealth and antivirus bashing techniques...after all, how can you detect something that's constantly changing :?

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Post by Evan »

xbox7887 wrote:
Evan wrote:Btw does anyone have any good ASM and C++ tutorials? xbox?
Self taught, but feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions ^_^

ASM programming when your not 100% that you know what your doing sounds hazardous to your system :P
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Batch > Lua > VB > C(for sony psp) > C# > C++ > C#
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Post by NotZachary82 »

personally, i like C#

its the easiest for me =/
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Post by LuxuriousMeat »

KIWIDOGGIE wrote:Batch > Lua > VB > C(for sony psp) > C# > C++ > C#
You do know that you put C# twice, right? And I find it funny that you listed one of the easiest languages as the best, and one of the hardest as the worst, provided you didn't mean to have that second C#...
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Post by Altimit01 »

VB.net -> C++ (prefer it) -> Realbasic

I only use the RB because of how easy it is to set up a working relationship between GUI and code. Prefer the power and precision of C++.
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I ment to have C# 2 times. I did C# for like a year, Lost Visual Studio 2003, left C# and started C++ with a diffrent DevKit. Then When Visual Studio 2005 Came I picked that up. Started C# again. Also I fail at C++ I just tried making another quick app. Fail.
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Post by FleetAdmiralBacon »

Personally, I think Python is the best language, but that's just me...

C# and Java both have virtually the same syntax, and VB works the same what with .NET. PHP and Perl have extremely close syntax, C and C++ are virtually the same, they're only divided by certain things that C++ can do that C doesn't, other than that they're the equivalent. Python is just plain different, both in how it looks and how it works. Python also has some of the best built-in socket libraries I've ever used, followed by Java's and then .NET's (however, VB 6.0's sucked...)
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Post by LuxuriousMeat »

KIWIDOGGIE wrote:I ment to have C# 2 times. I did C# for like a year, Lost Visual Studio 2003, left C# and started C++ with a diffrent DevKit. Then When Visual Studio 2005 Came I picked that up. Started C# again. Also I fail at C++ I just tried making another quick app. Fail.
Nevermind, I thought you were listing what you that were the best languages, not the order you did them in.
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Post by grimdoomer »

Prey wrote:Yea the XNA API is meant to be used with C#.. but I think there's some way to make it run with VB as well thesedays..

XNA is good for hobbyists because it lessens development time dramamtically. And it's good for beginners who want to get into the game industry one day, because they can learn game concepts from it.. as well as what it means to work with others in a team, etc..

If you want my advice.. use XNA to make 1-2 games you're actually proud of.. then move on to native C++. No point staying too long in XNA, because it won't do much good as the unmanaged world is a very different place..
I have seen the VB thing for XNA but I think if you really cant take like 20 minets to learn basic stuff in C# like variables if, then and for, next then you are pathetic. I use to use VB for every thing, I even made a 2 game engine in class. But after spending 20 minets with C#, in a hour a had a app for H2V maps and one for DarkShallFall.

I also use XNA for games and that is also very easy, and with all the demos, examples and source avalible its not to hard to pick up. And if your really interested in it it only took me 30 min to load coagulation, and a hour to load some terrin etc. Im currently working on a FPS of my town.

Just my opion/toughts :)
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Post by Evan »

Their not necessarily "pathetic", some people just prefer languages such as BASIC and Pascal. By the way it's "minutes".
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Post by Iron_Forge »

Started with QBasic, Turing, VB6, C, C#.NET, can do VB.NET of course, but can't recall ever doing anything with it...Technically I learned java...Though I don't know it...vbs/php if you count interpreted scripts...Though to be fair, C# has made me stupid, I'm not sure if I could use much else these days...
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Post by [cc]z@nd! »

i dabble in c++, but usually don't spend enough time programming in it to claim any proficiency, really. I seem to get distracted by other things too easily.

and holy shit, and iron_forge post? *head explode*
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Post by stephen10101 »

Brainfuck, because it's so easy and powerful.

Seriously though, I prefer c++ although I am not too great in it... yet :)
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Post by xbox7887 »

Iron_Forge wrote:C# has made me stupid, I'm not sure if I could use much else these days...
Intellisense ftw :P

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Post by -DeToX- »

xbox7887 wrote:
Iron_Forge wrote:C# has made me stupid, I'm not sure if I could use much else these days...
Intellisense ftw :P
Hell yes. ;x
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