
General discussion of Halo2 including tricks, tips, and anything else related. Cheating discussion is not allowed.
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Post by jackfr0st »

I just modded my xbox and i was wonder how do you connect your xbox to the computer so you can acess the xbox files from the computer and put the mods from computer to xbox? I have the cables and everything...but i dont know how to connect. Help?
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Post by kibito87 »

First off, this is the wrong section to ask this question. :P

Second, do you have a router? That would make this a lot easier.

If not, then do you have your modem's installation disc, 1 usb cord, and a extra ethernet cord for your xbox to computer.

Answer these questions and I/we will be able to help. Please have a router, it makes the process a whole heck of alot easier. The other way is annoying and may slow down your internet connection.
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Post by jackfr0st »

yes i have a router...and the cables