Is that just the longest assed tutorial youv ever seen or what?....anwyays nice job,wish knew how to read hex or i could probably understand half that,all i can do is swap offsets...anyways great discovery,hopefully hek will make this a huge convience
i played your guys's "demo". I thought it was cool and all but the projectiles shoot from funny places. If im setting in one of the gunner seat positions i want to be able to shoot the driver or passenger in the back. or when a decent knife mod comes out STAB IN THE BACK! i thought that might be entertaining to .... some friends off for a while. or am i just stupid and didnt have anyone to test with and you can shoot the people in front of you? BTW NO one in their right mind is going to do that tutorial... i might try, but i will probably just wait for the mods to come out. if you havent figured out how to place seats correctly how did you put the two in the back in places that are like lined up perfectly?
Wow... I didn't expect anything new to come about that was so useful... pretty neat... think of it... 1 warthog per team, Insane stunt game mode.... hehe... ideas, ideas.... *and don't steal them*
Deadly_Shadow wrote:yup seat mods will soon become log mods ;p
but seat mods are beyond n00bs, so it should balance out pretty evenly. I endevour to make the first FT (full team) Warthog, the one and only which can have 8 people pack on top of each other!
I love that more difficult work is being described now, outside of Gren's map file tutorials. Noobs will understand the kind of work that goes into uber mods a little better.
this is some awesome shite. the only thing i see that is missing though is changing the firing range of the passengers, i really want to fire backwards, or at least to the left of the car.
this might bring an actual new meaning to a back seat driver lol just jking but this will come in handy can't wait to see some awesome mods come from the help of this HOLY SHIT I JUST REMEMBER SOMETHING u guys know about the cargo hog that is used to move soilders thats going to be in halo2 make a hog thats just that! theres a mod already in the works i bet!
death comes to those who tk for sport and i'm am that death.