What is your favorite visual designing program?

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what is your fav?

Visual Basic 6.0
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Visual Basic 2005E
C# 2005E
C++ 2005E
(any program in visual studio 2008)
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What is your favorite visual designing program?

Post by Jdogg »

I have become very good with visual basic 6.0 and 2005.
I want to get out of the easy stuff and move on to C#

i have a few questions though

how do i do an IF statement in c#?
how do i do a 'dim' in c#?

and a last question..

what is the difference between c# and vb, Dont say its more advanced because i know that

but what im trying to get at is can i really do a lot more in c# than vb?
because i am very, very good in vb
OwnZ joO

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Post by OwnZ joO »

if statement looks like this
I'll use 2 checkboxes as an example

Code: Select all

if( checkBox1.checked)
 // insert code for when checkBox1 checked is true
else if(checkBox2.checked)
 // insert code for when checkBox2 checked is true
 // insert code for when neither are checked
Dim statements are like this
You declare the variable type before the variable instead of after

Code: Select all

// vb.net looks like this I believe:
// Dim s As String = "hey there"
// here's the C#.net
string s = "hey there";

// another example
// In vb.net(I think):
// Dim ofd As OpenFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
Well the difference between C#.net and VB.net in performance is C# performs a little bit better than VB. They both get compiled into the same IL language, but C# is optimized and compiles better code. The syntax is obviously different. I would say C# is more object oriented than VB, not that you can't write object oriented code in VB, C# is just more based on it. If you are really comfortable with VB, then you don't absolutely need to switch to C#, but maybe if you would like something to do then you could, or if you want to keep up with the changing technology. Learning another language probably wouldn't be that hard, it's not the syntax that's difficult with programming anyway, it's the concepts, and you can learn those in any language.[/code]
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Post by Prey »

OwnZ joO wrote:Well the difference between C#.net and VB.net in performance is C# performs a little bit better than VB. They both get compiled into the same IL language, but C# is optimized and compiles better code.
No.. C# gives you more access over your code, thus the possibility to better optimise it.
OwnZ joO wrote:The syntax is obviously different.
Yes. C# tends to be more inclined towards using symbols, ie. '!' instead of 'Not', C# is also case sensitive.
OwnZ joO wrote:I would say C# is more object oriented than VB, not that you can't write object oriented code in VB, C# is just more based on it.
Wut. Both languages were made to be object-orientated >_>
OwnZ joO wrote:[...]or if you want to keep up with the changing technology.
Yea there's some truth in that. If Microsoft are going to bring something new to the table, then it's C# that'll normally be compatible first. XNA is a good example of that.
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Post by kornman00 »

your poll and question do not match.

My fav. visual (ie, gui) designer would be Visual Studio.

My fav. languages are C# and C++. However there are some other languages I like to use, depending on the context of the situation.

* Basic can eat shit and die while I blow it out my ass.

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Post by -DeToX- »

^What he said about VB and everything else.

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Post by Jdogg »

o come on vb isnt THAT bad.
its just too easy
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Post by FullMetalParka »

I'm a big fan of VB 2005+. Although VB6 was much easier to use and understand, .NET gives you so much more control and lets you do so much more neat stuff.
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