Hex: Adding/Editing Seats In Vehicles

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Hex: Adding/Editing Seats In Vehicles

Post by Deadly_Shadow »

- - - - - - - - Changing How You Look In A Vehicle - - - - - - - -

1. Open Halo Map Tools V3

2. Go Under Animation Trigger

3. Select "characters\cyborg\cyborg"

4. Don't select Recursive - Only Save Meta - Save it to your Desktop

5. Open "cyborg.antr.meta" in a Hex Editor

6. Do a search for seatname unarmed idle ( Example - W-driver unarmed idle)

7. Use ASCII String - Text String - Down

8. Once found find two Reflexives after it

9. Now Swap Endian and then Subtract Magic

10. Do same for 3rd Reflexive

11. That's how long it is - Change everything there to zero except for the 0000 803F's

12. That will destroy everything except the ass - It'll also look a little weird ;p

- - - - - - - - Changing How You Enter And Exit A Vehicle - - - - - - - -

1. Open Halo Map Tools V3

2. Go Under Animation Trigger

3. Select "characters\cyborg\cyborg"

4. Don't select Recursive - Only Save Meta - Save it to your Desktop

5. Open "cyborg.antr.meta" in a Hex Editor

6. Do a search for seatname ( Example - W-driver )

7. Use ASCII String - Text String - Down - Find All Instances

8. Ignore the first find - Use the next ones - Select the first found Instance Offset

9. Notice in the Text Side of the Hex Editor it says what you are editing ( -gunner acc-front-back ) for first

10. Find the first Reflexive from the offset going down

11. Swap Endian - Subtract Magic

12. Go to that offset within the Map File

13. To find the size of it find the next Reflexive in the Cyborg Meta under the first Reflexive you were just at

14. Swap Endian - Subtract Magic - Subtract this number from the other offset - It's usually 13C

15. Change all these numbers within this section to 0 except for 0000 803F's

16. Notice when testing only the butt shows. What if we want to change specific things? This is used for "Changing How You Enter A Vehicle" and "Changing How You Look In A Vehicle"

- - - - - - - - What Each Section Is - - - - - - - -

01 = left thigh

02 = right thigh

03 = hips/butt

04 = left shin (lower leg)

05 = right shin (lower leg)

06 = torso

07 = left upper arm

08 = left foot

09 = head

10 = right upper arm

11 = right foot

12 = ?

13 = ?

14 = ?

15 = Left forearm

16 = right forearm

17 = left hand

18 = right hand

- This means when you go to one of those offsets and you see:

803F 59D9 80B3 59D9 8033 C0CB 2C3D 0000 803F as the first one there that means all the data between 803F controls the left thigh data - Change All To 0 If You Don't Like The Left Thigh ;)

- - - - - - - - Some Examples From Blood Gulch - - - - - - - -

G-driver Acc-Pp-Down
941CE8 = Start
941E2C = End
144 Bytes
18 Sections

G-driver Unarmed Idle
9445CC = Start
94476C = End
1A0 Bytes
18 Sections

G-driver Enter
941FB8 = Start
9420EC = End
134 Bytes
18 Sections

- - - - - - - - Changing Seat Locations - - - - - - - -

1. Open Halo Map Tools V3

2. Open Blood Gulch

3. Go under the Tag ( mod2 )

4. Select "vehicles\ghost\ghost"

5. Unrecursivly Save Meta onto your Desktop

6. Open the Meta in a Hex Editor

7. Do a search with Text String - ASCII String - Down and search for the Seat Name ( Example - driver )

8. Not G-driver

9. Once found go to the first Reflxive after it

10. Reverse Endian - Subtract Magic - Goto that Offset within the Map

11. From there change the Longs with numbers between your offset and the 803F going down - Change the Longs between 803F - I can't really tell you which ones - Just the ones that look really weird like A0F2 5200 and E427 632B or whatever - Just Test

< - - > Now Updated With Info < - - >


- For "Where you are in seat" FFFF FF3F would be in the back of the seat

- 0000 003F would be in the front of the seat

- For "Seat Location - Where you enter and Where you sit too" FFFF FF3F is high

- 0000 003F is low - Underground? lol

- Anything in between is for example AAAA AAAA wouldn't be too high or too low

Also : You cannot control seat location - It will be around where you are while in the specified seat - For example - If you while in a seat are really high then the seat location is most likely high

- - - - - - - - Seat Duplication - - - - - - - -

Seat Duplication and Manipulation

By: Ang88 and Deadly Shadow

With Help From Latot Latot

1. Batch Extract Blood Gulch to a new Folder
Metadata only
with BSP
2. Put Blood Gulch into this folder
3. Open \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.vehi.meta with a hex editor
4. Go to offset 2E4 and you should see 03, this number is the number of seats in the vehicle, change this number to 04
save the file
5. Open up to the corresponding Xml Document and look for 2E8 as the Location


6. Goto offset BC0 in rwarthog.vehi.meta
7. From that offset goto add 11C, and you should be at CDC, this is where you want to inject a blank space
8. Open up HMT and goto the Meta Blank Space Injector
for the file, put \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.vehi.meta
for size, put 284 since 11C in decimal form is 284
for offset put CDC

9. Now open the file in a hex editor again and goto offset CDC
10. Add 11c to cdc and you should get DF8, then add another 11c and you should get F14
11. Copy starting at DF8 until F14, and paste it in where the blank space is starting at CDC until DF8
12. Save
13. Open up the corresponding xml file again, and goto this

these are the pointers for the passenger seat

14. Copy these pointers and change the values to there new locations

15. Save


16. Open \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.mod2.meta in a hex editor
17. search for passenger as a text string, you should be at offset 4EB
18. Open up HMT and goto the Meta Blank Space Injector
for the file, put \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.mod2.meta
for size, 128 since 80 in decimal is 128, and 80 is the size of the seat data we need to insert
for offset put 4EB
19. Open \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.mod2.meta in a hex editor
20. search for passenger as a text string, you should now be at offset 568, copy from here to 5E8, this is the data we want to duplicate
21. Paste this data in 4E8 up to 568
22. Save
23. Open the corresponding xml document, and look for 5A0 since this is 38 bytes down from the seat name
24. Copy these pointers and change the values to there new locations which is 38 bytes from the passenger , and passenger enter names that we just pasted


25. Save

26. Now look at the Translation Value, this is the value that the pointers are pointing too, youll notice that it starts at 948 and ends at 988
27. Open up HMT and goto the Meta Blank Space Injector
for the file, put \vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog.mod2.meta
for size, 64 since 40 in decimal is 64, and 40 is the size of the seat raw location data
for offset put 948
28. Copy the data from values 988 to 9c8, paste this in at 948 to 988
29. Now open up the corresponding xml document and find the area we just edited, but you will notice that the translation values changed

We need to change the first 2 translation values back to what they were


30. Save

31. Rebuild the map including rwarthog.mod2.meta and rwarthog.vehi.meta
say no that you didn't add verticies
say no that you didn't add indicies

32. Edit the seat values in HMT, and if you did everything right, then you should have added another passenger seat to the Rocket Hog right ontop of the previous one

- - - - - - - - Plugin Download Link - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - Vehi Plugin Info For Easier Duplication - - - - - - - -

- Ang88's Vehi Plugin for Easy Duplication

Seat Name

This tells which Animation Trigger is used for this seat, can be any Animation Trigger with in the Cyborb Animation Trigger Meta

Seat Location Name

This is the Name that will Identify where the seat is. This can only be from the current Vehicles PC Model

Camera Name

This is the name of the Camera used for the seat

- - - - - - - - Finishing Result ( Picture ) - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - Download Link - - - - - - - -

http://horsefareproducts.com/andrew/hal ... Shadow.rar

- - - - - - - - Changing Where Proj Is Shot From - - - - - - - -

1. Open Halo Map Tools V3

2. Go under the tag "mod2" - Unrecursivly Save The Meta For "weapons\flamethrower\flamethrower"

3. Open the Meta in a Hex Editor

4. You should see "primary trigger"

5. Look at the Reflexive after it

6. Open the Xml File - Search for the Location for the Reflexive ( Example - 220 )

7. Look at the Translation under it ( Example - 2E8 )

8. Go to that offset in the Meta File

9. Search for those bytes in the Map File

10. Those are the X - Y - Z coords ( floats ) where the proj is shot from - 20 Bytes Long

11. Change to your liking - Picture :D


Note: X = Left & Right - - - Y = Depth - - - Z = Up & Down

How you know what to change them to:

1. Open Hex Workshop

2. Highlight the numbers ( For Example - The X Coords 4 Bytes )

3. At the bottom left there should be a Data Inspector for Hex Workshop

4. See where it says Float? That is the number as a Float

- In Hex Workshop go to Tools > Base Convertor

- For Byte Order put Intel

- For Data Type put float ( 32 )

- Now - FFFF FFFF makes the Projectile dissapear for any Coord

- 0000 0000 makes it exactly centered for X Coords

- Well enuf said. I don't want to ruin the fun for you fiquring stuff out :D

Also - If you do not yet understand X Y Z you may want to look at this pic made by Zulu and touched up by Deadly Shadow:


- - - - - - - - Thanks To.. - - - - - - - -

Myself, Ang88, Latod Latod, Templar, Zulu, J5892

< > < > < > < > < > < >

Myself and Ang88 worked on the Mod Together

Zulu helped with Proj shooting thing - I helped him too :D

J5892 helped Zulu

Templar helped in the pic above

Latot Latot cleared up something with Ang88 on Seat Duplication

Hope You Enjoy - Note that we just said screw it and released it. You will fiqure out more. We will post updates. Have Fun :D
Last edited by Deadly_Shadow on Thu May 06, 2004 3:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by Ang88 »

We got most of the seat figured out, except for the part on seat location. We are still trying to figure out how to edit it, because right now, every time I try to touch it Mr. E comes up behind me. I hope the tutorial helps, and if anyone finds out any info on how to manipulate the seat location, please tell me.

Here are some other pics.



Last edited by Ang88 on Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HunterXI »


now I can add the 1997 seats I wanted to the warthog!!!

(lol imagine 30 ppl piled on top of one another in a warthog)
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Post by Ang88 »

too bad you can only have 16 people in a halo server
blink 182

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Post by blink 182 »

yes! great work deadly and ang88 congradulations on ur findings

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Re: Finally Here! - Great Tutorials! - Much Seat Info - Read

Post by Templar »

Deadly_Shadow wrote:-
Yea, that was cool...:) I'm going to try that a little later. (Btw, the idiot with the sniper is me). But I gotta do that and good job Ang and Deadly. *claps*
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Post by HunterXI »

Ang88 wrote:too bad you can only have 16 people in a halo server
I know, I realized it like 13 seconds after I posted that... but... a whole team in one warthog!!! 8 people in a warthog!
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Post by Deadly_Shadow »

yup seat mods will soon become log mods ;p
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Post by HunterXI »

Deadly_Shadow wrote:yup seat mods will soon become log mods ;p

but seat mods are beyond n00bs, so it should balance out pretty evenly. I endevour to make the first FT (full team) Warthog, the one and only which can have 8 people pack on top of each other!
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Post by Templar »

Well I strive to create the first Full Team ...GHOST!!!

Added: Oops, I meant Full GAME Ghost.

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Post by sharkface217 »

Ang88 wrote:We got most of the seat figured out, except for the part on seat location. We are still trying to figure out how to edit it, because right now, every time I try to touch it Mr. E comes up behind me. I hope the tutorial helps, and if anyone finds out any info on how to manipulate the seat location, please tell me.

Here are some other pics.




Lol, do that collage stunt where you stuff guys into a VW bug..............
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Post by HunterXI »

lol that was a fast sticcky :wink:
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Post by Monte_Kano »

thats awesome congrats (I'm goin 2 try it l8a tho) :D g/j


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Post by Deadly_Shadow »

wow a sticky already? :shock:

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Post by Ang88 »

I am a moderator :D

I stickied it because it is a tutorial, and it is something alot of people would want to see
blink 182

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Post by blink 182 »

thanks ang. i really wanted this at the top so i dont have to look for it all the time
o btw about seat location-if we change say driver to passenger what will that do?


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Post by Deadly_Shadow »

It will be at the same position as the side seat?

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Post by Ang88 »

~Mei2k~ [merk]

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Post by ~Mei2k~ [merk] »

hey add how to make any biped get in any seat to that tut.
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Post by latot »

Did you guys figure out how to move the proj spawn points yet? or do they still fire from the main seat location?
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