this may sounds really n00bish but..... HOW DO I WORK THIS? How do i use this on my Xbox? Hell, how do I even get this onto my xbox? DO i need a mod chip?
brodkil wrote:Since the void uses a huge open space, is there any reason why you couldn't possibly import some of the extra levels from Halo PC (not the 2 new ones specifically, but the maps that people created for halo pc). You would probably need to import a lot of things into the map, but you wouldn't have to worry about building the map inside of another level. It's just some crazy idea I had.
I really like the idea of this. Could this possibly work? Either to use a PC multiplayer custom map or a SP conversion map?
lol, i was wondering wat category to put these new levels under and i think mario 64 would be a good one. The detail on these levels are terrible, its not the designers fault but hopfully well get past this soon. nice one stunna,
This Void map is awesome. The one problem I have with it is: THE PELICAN. It's great to fly and TRANSPORT YOUR TEAMATES IN, but it is I.N.V.I.N.S.I.B.L.E. The pilot along with the passengers you pick up are indestructable as long as they stay in the Pelican. THEY CAN EVEN SURVIVE THE NUKE BLAST. I would like to see this problem fixed....along with the teleporter problem.
If the second link is for people who want to mod it and the second link seems to go to a page with nothing and even when you register it still doesnt appear, where are people getting this map from?