Deimos, any luck on chain spawning bipeds? If so I have a great idea. Instead of chain spawning grunts have chain spawning Sargeant Johnsons. Since he's apparently impossible to kill it coud make the game very interesting.
Yes and no. I can spawn bipeds, but they have no AI. If ANYBODY can tell me how to get working bots into a map without using vehicles, then we can probably get it to work. This is a link to a vid of hunters spawning.
But as you can see, they are brain dead. Note this video is NOT from this map.
Last edited by Deimos on Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
A looped grenade: You throw it and with every explosion a newly spawned grenade gets blown straight into the air, making it land back on the ground and exploding again and so on.
Want to add pics here, but don't know how...So I'll put a link to my site. The MasterChief Tower
This is the fully modded bloodgulch mod that Deimos added in his first post, not the chainspawning one. It is amazing!
Also, if you want to see some other pics, go here
Sorry if the links take a while to load.
who has one kind of like this but you can kill someone over aND OVER AND Then throw a frag/plasma grnade and they all chain react in a big explosion like in campaign.
Halo_MC wrote:who has one kind of like this but you can kill someone over aND OVER AND Then throw a frag/plasma grnade and they all chain react in a big explosion like in campaign.
ROFL that must be one of the biggest bumps in history! rOFL
Halo_MC wrote:who has one kind of like this but you can kill someone over aND OVER AND Then throw a frag/plasma grnade and they all chain react in a big explosion like in campaign.
(Updated March 17, 2007)
I do NOT come here anymore, the beta testing ended. That was way back in 2005.
Halo_MC wrote:who has one kind of like this but you can kill someone over aND OVER AND Then throw a frag/plasma grnade and they all chain react in a big explosion like in campaign.
ROFL that must be one of the biggest bumps in history! rOFL
Actually, I once bumped a topic that was a few days shy of 1 year old. It was funny as hell!