I had this idea. What if for one time, nobody cared about polygon limits? What if you could have a week to a month to create a piece that could take days to render, but would look freaking awesome.
I challenge you to create a high polygon model with absolutely no limit on how many polies you put into the model. I'm in it to learn because I know that my modeling sucks.
You can model anything you wish. But with ridiculous amounts of detail. You can use mapping of any kind.
Maximum models that can be entered: 3**
**if you have a gun model with interchangable parts that number goes to infinite for that gun
How we will judge the models:
Creativity (modeling something like the iPhone won't get you a lot of points in this category)
Polycount (no max polycount but that doesn't mean you have to be sloppy)
Size (phone < car in size the bigger the item the higher the rating)
Last edited by metkillerjoe on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.