High-Poly Competition

Finish a new model/mesh? Got something you're working on? Finish a new map? Here's the place to post it for feedback and whatnot.
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Wordewatician 500

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High-Poly Competition

Post by metkillerjoe »

I had this idea. What if for one time, nobody cared about polygon limits? What if you could have a week to a month to create a piece that could take days to render, but would look freaking awesome.

I challenge you to create a high polygon model with absolutely no limit on how many polies you put into the model. I'm in it to learn because I know that my modeling sucks.

You can model anything you wish. But with ridiculous amounts of detail. You can use mapping of any kind.

Maximum models that can be entered: 3**

**if you have a gun model with interchangable parts that number goes to infinite for that gun

How we will judge the models:

Creativity (modeling something like the iPhone won't get you a lot of points in this category)
Polycount (no max polycount but that doesn't mean you have to be sloppy)
Size (phone < car in size the bigger the item the higher the rating)
Last edited by metkillerjoe on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Cryticfarm »

And using meshsmooths with 10 iterations lol! I might actually go in this one.

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Post by Caboose{SE} »

so when do we have till?
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Post by metkillerjoe »

You have a month and some days. The contest will end on the 30th of September.
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Post by TomClancey »

I'll enter.

Could we have some more guidelines or rules? Like, how many models are able to be entered, etc.

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Post by metkillerjoe »

You may have a maximum of 3 models.

*** BUT ***

If you are doing a gun model that has interchangable parts the max is infinite (on the gun's parts and such).
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Post by Cryticfarm »

I quit the competition. I will provide a spike with 50000 polies though.
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