Report System

Is somebody flaming or causing problems? Is there a post that is too large for content? Moderators will check here often to discover problems quickly.
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Report System

Post by Iron_Forge »

The report system is now back up and running...When you see a post that you believe to be in violation of the forum rules, please click the red exclamation mark Image in the upper right of the post...You can then fill out the report, and submit it...

Please take the time to fillout a short reason at the top, the category it falls into just below it, and then any notes you feel need to be mentioned that wouldn't fit in your short reason...
...Thats right...I invented modding...So give me Wii Points...
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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

I would also like to add a little information for the convenience of our users. When you report a post, it will show up for us as follows:

The topic title and topic description will show up to the staff members just like how they would for a normal topic.

The first part of the message body will be a direct link to the post you have reported. After that will be a quote containing all of the text of that post, ready for a staff member to read right away. After the quote will be any text you have provided in the notes section of your report.

If you would like to include any information with your report, please feel free. However, feel no need to quote any context from the reported post, since we'll automatically see it.
