Elite Mouth test
Elite Mouth test
just a simple jmad test i did to see if i could make an elite look like he was trying to talk.
just a simple jmad test i did to see if i could make an elite look like he was trying to talk.
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way after you make fun of them, you still have their shoes."-Dranciel ಠ_ಠScottyGee wrote:Smokers suck >_< (to avoid someone saying it later, both literally and in the derogatory way)
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- TomClancey
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???? How did you do this? I would like to know. Did you just swap dependencies? Or is it custom animation?
Ah fudge, I can't get my pic to work. I need to llearn more BBCode. Eithier that or figure out a way to enable HTML.
HTML is disabled on this board. It's simple to add a picture. Just put [img]UrlGoesHere[/img].
HTML is disabled on this board. It's simple to add a picture. Just put [img]UrlGoesHere[/img].
I replaced the melee of the gun with the close mouth animation. Then shortened the first person melee so i could do it rapidly.
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way after you make fun of them, you still have their shoes."-Dranciel ಠ_ಠScottyGee wrote:Smokers suck >_< (to avoid someone saying it later, both literally and in the derogatory way)
- latinomodder
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cant you increase the animation time?
edit: also http://animation.about.com/od/flashanim ... phonem.htm
With this I could prolly make an app that compiles a script depending on what you said, so you press b and it makes the sequence go
edit: also http://animation.about.com/od/flashanim ... phonem.htm
With this I could prolly make an app that compiles a script depending on what you said, so you press b and it makes the sequence go