Weapon concept...

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Weapon concept...

Post by wanksta »

here are some renders of a long range fully automatic weapon im working on.

comment. i was wondering as a concept what you guys though. this is no where near done.
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Post by TomClancey »

Trigger is way to forward for one, so it would be close to impossible to shoot it. The scope is very odd. You should Google some scope reference and base them off those.
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Post by [cc]z@nd! »

looks pretty awkward, but adjust it some then post another render or two. but maybe not so large.
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Post by 0m3g4Muff1n987 »

Post smaller pics next time. Yeah, it looks pretty good. Except some things are pretty boxy, such as the back handle, magazine etc.
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Post by wanksta »

ok, i dont really know whats wrong with the scope. its alot like the one from coldsnap. but i see how it needs too be changed in size and shape. and ill move the trigger.

i didnt mean to make the renders that big they just turned out reallly big because of something i had forgot to reset.
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Last edited by wanksta on Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wanksta »

new pics
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Post by ![DX]Link! »

What's with the big handle for the trigger? It looks like a clip.
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Post by wanksta »

actualy i thought to make the main handle be the clip so that it slides off like so. just look at pics.
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Post by TomClancey »

That wouldn't really be feasible. The trigger is partially attached to the grip.
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Post by wanksta »

its possible the trigger guard coud just be attached to the top and clips on to the clip
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Post by SnaFuBAR »

bad bad bad bad BAD.

look at references, i don't care if it's a concept or not, you don't know what's going on with guns.
Dude. No. Do you even know who Katarn and Snaf are?They are some of the few 1337est modelers that have ever set foot in CE. =D
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Post by rentafence »

Why the hell does the scope, and barrel have a million sides? Thats way more than you need. Also, the glass on the scope has more faces than it needs.
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Post by wanksta »

Ok, fuk weapon modeling. im gonna stick with what im good at. Archtectual Modeling. I really perfer it because as long as a structure is "theoretically" supported and is not just stoopid then it will work. EX a giant room with nothing supporting the roof wouldnt work.

weapon modeling is all abuot " oh oh that barrle is too long. ewww that dosent look EXACTLY like a real M4. SO FUCK WEAPON MODELING.
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Post by TomClancey »


Weapon modeling is about practicality. In a combat situation how are you going to reload when there's nothing to grip?

On top of that, you need to learn to take criticism. Weapon modeling isn't all fun and games. It does take skill, determination, and most of the time, a really good concept to be accepted. That, or model a real weapon.[/code]

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Post by flyinrooster »

It also looks nothing like a gun would ever look like, the smoothing is completely wrong and you wasted so many polygons. We aren't asking for a replica of an m4, we are asking for, 1) A practical weapon. 2) A weapon that is visually pleasing. 3) Hardly any wasted polygons. 4) PLANE MODELING (box modeling = fail).
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Post by wanksta »

yesh and that is why im not gonna model weapons. cause i suck at modeling weapons. maybe i should find somone else too make this gun for me. cause i want to make this weapon i cant.
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Post by metkillerjoe »

Good first model, ignore some of the comments you are getting. Most of them forget that they were once new and that created a first model in the first place.

I'd give it a:

8/10 Originality
8.7/10 Craftsmenship

Watch some videos and get some better skills.

Oh a by the way guys, Halo is not a profession. Stop criting him like he's interviewing for an f-ing job.

He's a beginner, so were you.

By the way, TomC., criticizing is good, ALWAYS, but if you are a beginner and you make a model, you have a lot of pride in that model. So, be a little more considerate than "take the crit". Pride may be a stupid thing to look out for these days, but for some they pride themselves in taking others' pride away.

All I'm trying to say is, give him a goddamn chance. I am. It isn't that hard. You have to have maybe a grain or two of politeness along with a dash of nice. No sugar or spice needed.
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Post by Elite_Green_Devils »

a long range fully auto rifle? acuraccy would suffer so much... its not possible to have a long range rifle and be automatic. the max you can get is a long range semi-auto rifle. even thats a pretty big thing to conquer. the AS-50 needed .50 caliber rounds to make a good semi auto rifle. a fully auto sniper? thats impossible unless its recoiless and is mounted. It the scope and barrel are clean looking tho
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Post by wanksta »

lol bump

and i already established i suck at weapon modeling.
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Post by peow130 »

I guess this was bumped the other day so i was wondering what modelling program ur using?
And, is there a tutorial on plane modeling because i'm getting really tired of people saying box modelling sucks and have yet to see any plane modelling tut.
Btw, cool model. I like the barrel alot, but the scope seems a tad bit big
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