Trackbars in VB.
Trackbars in VB.
How do I code for the trackbar, in such a way that when it is set to tick 1, opacity = 25, 2 = 50, or whatever. I just don't understand how to code for the trackbar. Thanks
conure says: or i could jsut incase my shoes in papar mache, followed by my dog
|||Lethargy||| Mr. Mohawk|||
|||feel free to contact me via PMs, AIM, MSNM, or Xfire if you have any questions|||
Under the trackbar scroll event handler:
for vb, just change 'this' to 'me' and remove the semicolon
Code: Select all
this.opacity = .1 * trackbar.value;
Code: Select all
// trackbar1.Maximum = 99, set to 100 and you'll see some crappy black stuff when going from 100 to 99
private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Opacity = trackBar1.Value * 0.01;
~He asked for VB, not C#
I know.
Last edited by Prey on Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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thanks guys, that worked .
conure says: or i could jsut incase my shoes in papar mache, followed by my dog
|||Lethargy||| Mr. Mohawk|||
|||feel free to contact me via PMs, AIM, MSNM, or Xfire if you have any questions|||