(Halo 1)Utility: HMPi (Halo Map Pack Installer)

Utilities primarily designed for the original Halo.
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Revivalist Socialist Eureka Pyre
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(Halo 1)Utility: HMPi (Halo Map Pack Installer)

Post by angrycamel »

Reddog & AngryCamel's Halo Map Pack Installer

HMPi (Halo Map Pack Installer)

HMPi is designed to allow the easy distribution and installation of HaloMod MapPacks. We can accomplish that by developing a standard in which to deploy MapPacks. This document will attempt to break down the build process of a HMPi compatible MapPack.

For those who have not seen it yet:






Here is a fun little peek at the dev process of the HMPi UI:


The How To Basics:
An HMPi MapPack is made up of:
  • a folder with 14 properly named ppfs
When HMPi installs the pack, it downloads the necessary original map files, patches them with the ppfs, fixes their build version numbers and internal names, and creates a properly edited xbe file for the MapPack. You do not need to worry about hex editing an xbe or the ppf to get the map directory and build versions correct. In fact, no ppfs of the xbes are needed. So your job, as a MapPack builder, is to create and arrange the ini and ppf files in the right format and make sure they have the right names.

Setting up the folder structure:
Start by creating a "~input" folder. Under that, create a folder to hold your map ppfs here. The folder name must be no more than 5 characters long. For example, Halo NMP 1.1 used "nmp" as its map folder name. When your MapPack is installed, this folder will be right alongside the "maps" folder on the users XBOX, and will hold all of your custom maps.

Setting up the ppf's:
This section assumes that you already have all of the maps that you would like to pack up in ppf form. If not, see the "Making PPF

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Post by magenuss »

wow! :shock: thats a lot of typing.... i give you a b+
Laugh it up yomama


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Post by {SAT}Blacky »

how do u keep making more and more utilities all at once btw great job

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Post by Pie »

Probably made over time and all realeased together :wink:
Thank You, SHOUTrvb, For This Fantastic Signature :mrgreen:

Revivalist Socialist Eureka Pyre
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Post by angrycamel »

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Post by Dihnekis »

I can't find this available anywhere, can anyone help me out?
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