mr_rock_on wrote:how do you get those pictures for your user?
They're called avatars. Go to the top of the page and press profile, then on the left avatar settings, there you can change the picture. But stay on topic-this is the wrong place to ask questions.
Click to join the best GPT site ever-I recently got a check for $30 in the mail, I've got one for $100 coming, and I only have two inactive referrals. Sign up and I'll send you a helpful email ASAP.
Click to join the best GPT site ever-I recently got a check for $30 in the mail, I've got one for $100 coming, and I only have two inactive referrals. Sign up and I'll send you a helpful email ASAP.
Honestly, can you just post the file onto somewhere else? 'Cuz the link is dead, and I love this mod. (Played on someone else's comp) The BR looks relatively good, and the skins are sweet. It's awesome all together. 10/10.
Shadowkhass wrote:For the 25th time in this forum, yes, Mac mods do work on PCs. You can play online together with no problems, right? That means maps are the same. Kthxbai.
Shadowkhass wrote:For the 25th time in this forum, yes, Mac mods do work on PCs. You can play online together with no problems, right? That means maps are the same. Kthxbai.
no virus its actually all there im hoping
O_O it doesnt work on macs....
Last edited by Halo_addict on Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shadowkhass wrote:For the 25th time in this forum, yes, Mac mods do work on PCs. You can play online together with no problems, right? That means maps are the same. Kthxbai.