Looks like I won't have too much of problem with that.
I'll look into weapons a bit more in a week or two. All problems related stairs and railing have been solved.(finally)
To do list:
- Finish making glass texture
- Finish adding glass
- Touch-up textures(redo a few, fix UVs, etc)
- Get lighting just right
- Make Scenery and doors
- Weapons
EDIT: NOOOOOO!!!!! My middle monitor has died.

Having three monitors is quite handy. You can stretch 3dsmax so that one viewport takes up the entire middle monitor, and you have three viewports on the right, and then your material box or UVW unwrapper on the left. Or you can have Sapien done so that it spans two monitors, the game window taking up the entire middle one, all the others on the left, and guerilla on the right.(or I suppose halo on the right)