Get ontop of relic tower!! "A snipers dream"

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Get ontop of relic tower!! "A snipers dream"

Post by inferno »

heres how its done.

make a gametype with overshields and start weps as rockets and energy swords. and map weps are snipes.

then start a game on relic. goto where the warthog spawns and get in it. push one of the metal shield scenery objects up too the relic tower with the warthog. tweak the postition on the hill so its facing the tower by hitting it with the energy sword.

then get out the rocket and stand on the horizontal metal suport on the back. and point the rocket at the vertical shield part on the front!

think of it as a catapult. :wink: and shoot the metal shield part with the rocket.

if correctly placed on a flat or hill (the surface slant has alot to do with how high you go) you will be shot up into the air and will land on relic if you positioned your cataplut correctly.

have fun with this. :D :D :D
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Post by V0Lt4Ge »

Old, sorry. :(
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Post by xXxCocoFangxXx »

VERY old.

Also, why would it help you to Snipe if you had Oversheilds on?

Be like me, do a Triple Superbounce and get on top of there. :wink:
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Post by inferno »

shit :x

superbounceing never works for me.... i can never land the right way and get it too work.

exactly how do you land when you super bounce anyway? i only got it too work like 5 or 6 times.
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