[MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

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Post by killerjman86 »

:D nice! iv ben waiting for the second 1 2 come out :D

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Post by fjgamer »

Biohazard Relic freezes in the middle of fighting someone or when you pick up the magnum. Scarecrow doesn't load at all. :cry: I used fresh map files, so what's wrong?
I play on XLink Kai as FJGamer. (FJ is my Halo 2 profile.) I have a mic, and I love to play 8 on 8 mics versus no mics. I also love to mod Halo 2. For some reason Halo 1 won't work on system link, though.

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Post by scynide »

fjgamer wrote:Biohazard Relic freezes in the middle of fighting someone or when you pick up the magnum. Scarecrow doesn't load at all. :cry: I used fresh map files, so what's wrong?
BS. Pull the maps directly from the disks to make 1000% sure they are clean. Then I would suggest trying again. I don't know how many times I have heard people claim that they used clean maps and just forgot that they modded one tiny little thing. :roll: And did you disable the AU in the default.xbe?

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Post by fjgamer »

Yeah, I did the "disable autoupdate" thing, and I got every other map to work... though I already had Soccer Mounds, so I skipped that one. Oh and I noticed some levels have sentinels for use with Yelo. Nice. :D

EDIT: Btw, when I mod a map file, I'm never changing just one thing, and I almost always rename the file to be sure. Still, it's possible my files were corrupted when I rarred them to transfer via USB, right?
I play on XLink Kai as FJGamer. (FJ is my Halo 2 profile.) I have a mic, and I love to play 8 on 8 mics versus no mics. I also love to mod Halo 2. For some reason Halo 1 won't work on system link, though.

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Plasma Shield Grenade (like the H3 Bubble Shield)

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Post by rhino478 »

hey guys looks like a great map pack :D

Just a quick question though, do you need all of the OLD and NEW default maps to play or can it just work without the new maps. By the new maps i mean turf, sanctuary etc.
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Post by halo0001 »

itll work BUT ne map that needed the new maps as bases u just wont have in the map pack

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Post by rhino478 »


i just looked in my ftp halo 2 maps folder.

I have updated my game with the maps but they don't appear to be there.

I can play the maps and everything so any1 have any idea where they are??

EDIT: These are the default maps from the updater disk i'm talking about not the Killtrocity one.
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Post by scynide »

fjgamer wrote:EDIT: Btw, when I mod a map file, I'm never changing just one thing, and I almost always rename the file to be sure. Still, it's possible my files were corrupted when I rarred them to transfer via USB, right?
Yes that is correct. It is even possible for the RAR file itself to become corrupt.
rhino478 wrote:ok..........

i just looked in my ftp halo 2 maps folder.

I have updated my game with the maps but they don't appear to be there.

I can play the maps and everything so any1 have any idea where they are??

EDIT: These are the default maps from the updater disk i'm talking about not the Killtrocity one.
Look in E:\TDATA\4d530064\$C\ . Then look in the folders 00000001, 00000002, and 00000003. The maps will be in those folders along with some other unneeded files. You just need the ones with a .map extension. (duh)

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Post by rhino478 »

^kool thanks i found em!

So will the modded version of the those maps go in same folder or in f/gameslist/halo2/maps folder

(sorry i'm new to this) :D

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Post by kornkrazy_256 »

deep blue sea and swamp dont showup on my xbox for some reason....just lettin you know if there might be a problem.

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Post by kornkrazy_256 »

deep blue sea and swamp dont showup on my xbox for some reason....just lettin you know if there might be a problem.
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Post by scynide »

rhino478 wrote:^kool thanks i found em!

So will the modded version of the those maps go in same folder or in f/gameslist/halo2/maps folder

(sorry i'm new to this) :D
No. You need to create a whole new folder. It should be in F:\Games\. Then you should make a folder called "Halo2 Killtrocity v2" (without the quotes of course) and then put the maps in a maps folder in the Halo2 Killtrocity v2 folder. You should Download and read the "KilltrocityGuideV2.doc" which can be found at the bottom of the first post on the first page.
kornkrazy_256 wrote:deep blue sea and swamp dont showup on my xbox for some reason....just lettin you know if there might be a problem.
No need to double post. And here is my fix to get Water World to show up. It can be found on page 11.
scynide wrote:I figured out how to get rid of Lockout, the message about Content being damaged and unusable, and get Deep Blue Sea to be on the menu all at the same time! Also this does not affect other versions of Halo 2, like the original, and they will still load Mimesis content and all of the dlc map packs. You can use this to get rid of the broken Lockout and the message on any Halo 2 that you have manually disabled the auto update on (Hex edited, or used the the utility to disable it in the default.xbe). Ok here is how to do it:

1. Open the default.xbe that you have manually disabled the autoupdate on, in a Hex editor.
2. Click the "go to address" function in your Hex editor (under "View" in my Hex editor) and type in "4248692" without the quotes for the Offset, and make sure it is set to Dec, (Decimal) and "Beginning of file", and hit "OK."
3. It should bring you to the beginning of "$C". Change "$C" to "$t" or "$p".
4. Repeat steps 2-3 with numbers 4248704, 4249036, 4249048, 4249119, 4249364, 4249376, 4270612, 4270624, 4270888, and 4270900. Make sure to use the same one for all of them ($t\).

Alternate Step 2-4
2b. Click Edit->Find and type in "$C" (Hex: 24435C) without the quotes into the box that says "Text". Make sure it is set to "Forward" and to "From beginning" and click "Find All".
3b. It should bring you to the first one it finds, and bring up a box with the locations of all the ones it found. You can click on each location in the box and it will automatically take you to that one.
4b. Go through all of the ones it found and change them from "$C" to "$t".

5. Make sure to save, then you can close the Hex editor, and FTP the default.xbe that you just edited into your Killtrocity v2 folder or whatever folder it goes in on your Xbox.

Plz PM me if you are confused or have questions. I hope this helps some people out.

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Post by rhino478 »

thanks for your help guys
Will download in the new year when my monthly downloads have reset! :D

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Post by rhino478 »

I downloaded it from mirror 1 but it says the .rar file is currupt!

Plus, when i open the .rar it looks like its an .iso file(is that wat its ment to be?)

Is it possible to fix or should i try downloading it again from a different mirror?
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Post by scynide »

Download it from a different Mirror. Make sure that you have Downloaded all 427.4 MB before you try opening the RAR file. If not all 427.4 MB are there then you will have to download it again. That is what happened to me. It took me forever to finally complete the whole thing.

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Post by rhino478 »

How do you go third person like in the youtube previews?
Is it a button combination or is it just a whole seperate mod?
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Post by DemonicSandwich »

It is triggered by a botton combination, however the whole 3rd person thing is done with a trainer like Yelo.
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Post by smilinsmuggler »

wow this is awsome i made a copy for me and all of my friends and it is just fun as hell :lol:
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Post by Aiello »

I just got Killtrocity 1, (yes, I know that is sad), and I am wondering if Killtrocity 2 is avalible to download via a torrent in a .iso format? Is it too early for one to be released, or am I looking in all the wrong places?
Well, I don't think THAT is supposed to happen.
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Post by MrBalll »

Naw, not sad. KTv1 was very fun, and yes, I'm sure the torrents are out there somewhere. I think I remember reading someone downloaded one earlier in this thread.
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