Get out of zanzibar

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Get out of zanzibar

Post by inferno »

ok this isnt a "amazing" trick but its servicable.

Get outside of zanzibar beach

create a game type with freindly fire Off and make the vehicles wraiths.

then go out onto teh beach and go into the corner away from the concrete wall. and stand against the invisible wall so that you are in front of that rock that is right outside the invisble wall.

now that you are in postition get another guy too get a wraith and get perfectly lined up. then have him ram you with the wraith with boost. it may take a couple of trys (for me about 20) but eventually you will be knocked through the wall.

when you go through the wall youll be moving realy fast and if you go to far youll die EX: "you were killed by the guardians" so make sure you are infront of that rock so when you go through the rock will stop you from going out into the ocean and getting killed by the guardians.

once your outside you can go a liitle ways but you die if you go to far out.

i guess thats a pretty goood trick for not actually owning halo 2 yet. ( i borrowed it but i still have 1337 skillz at 2 on 2 and ive almost beat it on heroic. which will be the first time i beat halo 2 ever. (why waist time beating it on easy or normal! )

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Post by Dominatr »

Can't wait to try it :D
Does it need Live?
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Post by inferno »

2 controllers split screen. you can control both controllers by your self or with a freind. :P or do it on live if you want.

ive got a bunch more tricks can i just start like 4 threads? or will that get me in trouble? ill check too see if they are done or not though.
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Post by Dr.Cox »

That trick is for teh newbs :)

Me and Coco Fang Get out side of the left side barrier (near the base where the gate opens up) by flippping a tank... it allows you to go on the sea wall... on campforman entirely and about 50 feet under the water :)
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Post by inferno »

i dont own the game dont hate :cry:

but anyways could you explain that a little beter? are you saying you got past the death barreir taht kills you as you go out too fat? cause if so you must explain! :D
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Post by Dr.Cox »

Well if i could get on live... i could show ya....

PM cocofang about it hes a glitch master.
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Post by inferno »

yeah ill PM him later. his username is countcocofang right? thats all the search came up with on halomods

but until then i must go try this super bounce that i have just discovered :twisted: im completely obsesed with glitching in H2 because im not gettting my modchip installed on my 360 for another mounth and im bored of HPC moding. ive done EVERYTHING. :wink:

why cant you get on live?
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Post by Dr.Cox »

cuase i cant :wink:

Yea i kinda left halo cuase there was nothing left for me to glicth :(

i know alot of glitches for most levels


Thats the guy..

Oh and for that trick ur doing.. u can do it by your self lol!
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Post by inferno »

i cant get it too work :? its anoying is this right

1. find a ledge that is slanted out toward you and is low enough too crouch in.

2. crouch under it and then release the crouch button and keep walking into the ledge.

3. walk out of the ledge then run and jump off a high ledge.

tis that correct? anything special you have too do? :?

(lol we are getting offtopic)
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Post by inferno »

dude you posted 3 times... :?

but Thx :D

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Post by Dr.Cox »

Yea it got laggy and i hit the post reply button 3 times.

USe this on its updated cuase u cant fly threw that barrior anymore.. get out using this and use the user to get under water :) ... ed&search=
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Post by inferno »

how is it "updated" cause i landed on the dam were it sticks out and i cant jump over... how do i get over the dam cause im stuck.........
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Post by Dr.Cox »

Trick is to land on the 3rd on from the right.. and do not I REPEAT DO NOT CROUCH

Just hold foward and jump.
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Post by inferno »

ok so if this represents the four colums

_ _ _ _

then i should jump on the one with the + sign

_ + _ _

and then jump up and down against the wall and dont crouch jump.

*minute later
i landed on the 1st column and jumped across too that one and tryed still nothinig although i did see once were my feet started moving like i was on something but i slid back down. what if i frag jump will that help? :?

can you explain super jumping too me. and seriously why cant you get on XBL? or do you not actaully have XBL c :P
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Post by Dr.Cox »

I haave 4 accounts but i dont know where my HD for my 360 is :(

Just keep tryinh i will try and get on xbox live as soon as possible...

add me and i might get on this week,

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Post by inferno »

HD = harddrive right? if so .. WTF!!?!?! how do you lose a hard drive! :shock:

only one?
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Post by Dr.Cox »

Lol i have no idea how i lost it i just looked up and it was gone

addem all

i get on Reckless alot though
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Post by inferno »


*laughing so hard almost crying*

ha ha i reset the game and i jumped up their and the very first try i made it that is so fucking retarded but its still awsome as hell.

and i was wondering about the plasma sword super jump thing (butterfly jump i think is what its called) well... its weird i dont know how its done. when ever i try it i kill the guy who im suppose too be following up the cliff.......... so can you give me some details? :?

i just fell through the ground and was "killed by the guardians" stoopid guardians. but anyway thats funny hopefully it wil be easyer too get over this time.

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Post by Dr.Cox »

well thats good :)
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