[MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

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Post by KillerMuffin00 »

the first 1 was so easy they had the name of the map file in the name of the modded patch
on this 1 it doesnt say the name of the map patch

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Post by fjgamer »

The menu looks so much better this time around, but why are you recycling the Killtrocity maps? Maybe you should use a more original name? In any case, I might just use your mainmenu. I don't care much for the maps.
I play on XLink Kai as FJGamer. (FJ is my Halo 2 profile.) I have a mic, and I love to play 8 on 8 mics versus no mics. I also love to mod Halo 2. For some reason Halo 1 won't work on system link, though.

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Post by scynide »

smacktalker wrote:
KillerMuffin00 wrote:nice but how do u no wat patch goes with witch map
when you get on your broomstick and do the dance around the fire.. maybe the black cat tells you this mb mb

liek r33d the ienztrukti0ns mb? tat ould b te thieng 2 d0

Nice play on his grammar. :lol: But you don't have to be a butt about it.

The Auto-patcher tells you what patch goes to what map, but there is no need to really worry about that. The patcher grabs the maps, as long as they are in the "Original Maps" folder, and patches for you.

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Post by nintendo9713 »

I downloaded and went through every map, and well I was disappointed. Reused maps, unworthy maps (IMO). The thing I hate most is the overdose of Mach mods. Those were the worst thing to ever come out IMO, its 1 mach repeated to the size of a level. Some of the maps were poorly made, such as that heretic landing grounds or seomthing, I don't know, the machs were disappearing and Swamp had a floating tree 0_0 and Gravity gun on headlong? Thats it? One map slot to put that in there? High tide had this weird stretched bitmap that bothered me >_> Druid had that HUD stretched past the thing so it was wierd. I must say scarecrow was awesome, but kinda the same as dead in the water II, both had chainsaws and the hook weapon, and that was it for scarecrow, (nice skin ^_^) and super mario world..bomb shaped grenades, flaming tires..and mario skin? Biohazards were very repetitive except for III (not relic) Biohazard III is probably my favorite on there. I don't know I was disappointed in this mappack .:cry: This is all my opinion so >_> The mainmenu was awesome, <3'ed the options made everything easier.

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Post by Casperlt1 »

Wow,haven't been on here in forever nice to see our (Fr3aKaZoId & I)mod Soccer Mounds made it on there,also thanks for not crediting me in that.If you check the post it says it,it was put together from both our efforts.But anyway,nice collection of maps.

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Post by Chao307 »

i have a small question...do you guys know what cd type i should buy to burn it? since all i have is dvd - r and once i burn it it doesnt work
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Post by jkjk »

Cool mainmenu skin smack! Sometimes the skin interferes with some of the text but it's no big deal. Not sure about your injected music or the lobby display change though.
I like what you did with Cairo except for the projectile swaps.
Thought HSM was going to add the AR to Sent2 but I guess not.
It's a good compilation of the latest BSP mods. Nice work guys.
Last edited by jkjk on Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I'd like to see more XBC mods and less projectile mods!

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[MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

Post by CaRboN »

WOW I do it all right but when I start the maps It Loads and then goes back to Mainmenu and Says content you've downloaded is damaged and not usable. Please try downloading it again, So I downloaded from all 3 mirrors AND NONE WILL WORK, WOW THIS IS ********
Last edited by CaRboN on Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

Post by Monkey Terd »

CaRboN wrote:OMFG I do it all right but when I start the maps It Loads and then goes back to Mainmenu and Says content you've downloaded is damaged and not usable. Please try downloading it again, So I downloaded from all 3 mirrors AND NONE WILL WORK, WOW THIS IS ********
Remove your autoupdate. :roll:
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[MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

Post by CaRboN »

Ya I already did but whenever I start up my game now it's saying there's a problem with my disk. wtf? I don't even have a disk in.


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Re: [MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2

Post by Jubakuba »

Monkey Terd wrote:
CaRboN wrote:OMFG I do it all right but when I start the maps It Loads and then goes back to Mainmenu and Says content you've downloaded is damaged and not usable. Please try downloading it again, So I downloaded from all 3 mirrors AND NONE WILL WORK, WOW THIS IS ********
Remove your autoupdate. :roll:
and make sure you have the fonts and media folders and all their content in place.
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Post by Pyroman »

nintendo9713 wrote:I must say scarecrow was awesome, but kinda the same as dead in the water II, both had chainsaws and the hook weapon, and that was it for scarecrow,
Actually DITW2 had a crowbar.

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Post by DWells55 »

Since tehre's a lot of people playing these maps,I might evenconsider that "testing." HSM, if you can play some online games on the some of the more outstanding maps and double check for no bugs, no matter how small they may be, I think we could add some new MImesis content if you'd agree.
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Post by xheadshotmastax »

DWells55 wrote:Since tehre's a lot of people playing these maps,I might evenconsider that "testing." HSM, if you can play some online games on the some of the more outstanding maps and double check for no bugs, no matter how small they may be, I think we could add some new MImesis content if you'd agree.
sure thats one of the toughts i got,too. :)

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Post by Loonycgb2 »

if anybody cares i might re do the serinty auto patcher so theirs no problems and i will be adding a totally new tutorial on how to put it in so u dont have to download that noobie guide and itll come straight from the rar
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Post by latinomodder »

wheres deep blue sea?

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Post by Dacian »

Does anyone have a torrent for this? Also, is there anyway to add the maps to the original Killtrocity pack?

EDIT: And if possible, a prepatched version of this MP in that torrent?

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Post by 1337_Lee »

u cannot add these to the old one casue u can only have i believe 49 or 50 maps per mainmenu.... and the old one has 42 maps i believe and this oen has 43.... and y do u need a torrent...this is easy enough and fast enough donwlaod
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Post by Xiion »

wtf?? it worked yesterday, and then the game froze while i was playing vehicle war.map right after i shot the PR. now all of a sudden when i go to play a map, right after the maps been selected, it says that i failed to load the map, and it does it for everymap. ive even reinstalled the maps and everything back into my games folder. why isnt it working?
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Post by CptnNsan0 »

wow ive been gone for a while. I see you put swamp on there. Thanks and awesome maps by the way. Definitly making an Iso for this.
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