ok, i have done a search of this forum and there are no java tutorials, so i decided to make one. i MIGHT add on to this if i have the time, which i most likely will, and also if you say i should. so anyway, here is the tut.
first of all, you will need a compiler. i would recomend J creator, which you can google to find a download, because i forgot where i found it .
once you have that you open it. (what a shocker!) then go to file-new-java file and name it "Hello" i will say why later, and put it where you can find it, because starting over sucks. so now that you have it open and ready, enter this here code:
Code: Select all
Public class Hello
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello World");
now for the learning part. YAY!
Code: Select all
Public class Hello
Code: Select all
[public static void main (String[] args)
Code: Select all
System.out.println("Hello World");