Yelo: Halo 2 (Xbox)

Utilities designed primarily for the xbox version of Halo 2.
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Post by StalkingGrunt911 »

aggravatedangel wrote:umm yeah... i think i enabled the uhh trainers but uhh everytime i load halo2 from the harddrive it doesnt start up. it just keeps on showing evox
That is suppose to happen and that is why you are suppose to launch it off of Xored Trainer Launcher. I would give you a link to my tutorial that I made but I have to go, so just look for it in the Tutorial section it is titled Getting Yelo to Work or something similar I forgot. :P
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Post by Argodaemon »

I have a question. I system linked my xbox and xbox 360 together; the xbox was the host and had Yelo running on it. Everything works fine except when I go into devcam mode. Anytime the player on the 360 moves, the xbox player sees that player moving similar to the ghost of lockout (no leg movement, glitchy). I wanted to use it for making videos, but it only looks right if no one is moving. Is there any way to fix this or am I just missing something? It may just be a 360 thing, but I am not able to test it.

By the way, Yelo is uber awesome^10.
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Post by SpecOp44 »

There is no way to fix that.

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Post by Argodaemon »

Thought so. Thanks!

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Post by DiseasedRat »

When ever i use yelo for the camera taking pics etc it wont work it hasnt worked once any ideas?
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Post by SpecOp44 »

Make sure to have only one controller plugged into the Xbox.


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Post by Jubakuba »

ummmm....any info on update time xbox?
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I have a quick question. I have this all setup and I renamed my $u folder so I have no updates(v1.0). I want to be able to play the new maps too though w/ everyone. I tried using the mainmenu that snave made but all of the nonmodders can't load the new maps cuz i have them on my hd(in maps). Do I just not put the new maps in the maps folder and just keep them in the 4d530064 folder?
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Post by Munsie »

What does this have to do with Yelo?

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The link to the mainmenu is in this topic :P
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Post by Simpsons Rule »

jlddodger wrote:As a person interested in halo machima, this plugin is the pinnacle for controllling the in game enviornment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My favorite features:
10 FPS, 360, auto hi-def
timefreeze (of course)
ALL the camera modes
Lighting controls
nm, it's all amazing.

And it all works for me.

Now, what I need is an UberScreenShotTool with a check all option.
Just click the box on the left of the Halo 2 folder. It automatically selects all of the screen caps.

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Post by DrFweega »

Do you think there will be an update where its capable to zoom in while in 3rd person mode. I love using 3rd person mode while system linked, but hate not being able to zoom in with the sniper rifle.

Anyways, great job! I love this tool!
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Post by Monkey Terd »

DISTURBED RULES wrote:I have a quick question. I have this all setup and I renamed my $u folder so I have no updates(v1.0). I want to be able to play the new maps too though w/ everyone. I tried using the mainmenu that snave made but all of the nonmodders can't load the new maps cuz i have them on my hd(in maps). Do I just not put the new maps in the maps folder and just keep them in the 4d530064 folder?
Give the non-modders party host.
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First of all doing that just loads the one that would be in the $c folder. Second, I've been using it for about 2 weeks or w/e and it works fine. This morning I FTPed something and I tried a map and it went to a black screen then back to the pregame so I figured it had 2 be a mod for v1.1 or higher cuz I had Yelo running from Xored.

I deleted the maps and some other stuff or w/e and I go back in and it makes the noise it always does when you load a dlc map(clicking/loud noise w/e) where it says press start to continue. I was lik ok? I try to load some maps and it kept makin the noise for all of them for about 2 mins. or somethin and then I fail to load every map. What did I do to cause that and how do I fix it?

It does it when I load Yelo w/ Xored and if I just try to play H2 on my hd. I tried deleting H2 off my hd then FTPing it back and it didn't work.
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yelo bug

Post by chiefofu »

I am experiencing a problem on my xbox when i run Yelo. My dash is EvoX, i put everything in the correct folders went into apps open Xored then i opened yelo enabled everything except for 1 hit sniper kills and the skulls; after that i hit start and the loading screen comes up with the stalkerish music still playing then when it's almost fully faded, it freezes me and i also tried disabling debug output, putting xored in the f/apps folder, and i dont know why it freezes. So if some one could kindly aid me in the fixing of this, that would be grealty appreciated.
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Re: Yelo: Halo 2 (Xbox)

Post by Sgt.Peppers »

xbox7887 wrote: for all halo games of all platforms. syn. 1337
So does this mean it can be used for Halo 1? because if it can, I don't know how to use it. :(
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Re: Yelo: Halo 2 (Xbox)

Post by kornman00 »

Sgt.Peppers wrote:
xbox7887 wrote: for all halo games of all platforms. syn. 1337
So does this mean it can be used for Halo 1? because if it can, I don't know how to use it. :(
Not the one xbox7887 released. But one is in development, but you'd have to ask xbox7887 about that one as I pretty much leave him to his own when it comes to xbox development now-a-days.

Yelo for Custom Edition is currently still in the works, but has so many features that I forgot about some after 6 months of being away from programming it ;x (was going through training in Ft Jackson).

I can't run Stubbs PC on this machine, but I hope to start working on it once I get Vista installed on my Intel Macbook Pro

Halo and Stubbs for the Mac are still currently in the research phase.

And as for Stubbs Xbox...xbox7887 needs to save some cash and get it so we can make one! *hint hint poke poke*

I'm skeptical at how 'easy' it will be to port Yelo over to Vista when Halo2 comes out on it due to some reports I've heard\read...

And as far as Halo 3 goes...No support as of yet (due to lack of tools and also due to lack of development on other platforms).

o yes, and *bump* Image

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Post by chrismcv »

A few questions.

I am wanting to screenshot all the guys that are playing at a lan party coming up.

Can I use the teleport B+d-pad-up to teleport if I am not host?

I don't know if it does it when I am not host but I know when I am host and I am using yelo no points are accumulated when the trainer is active, is there a way around this? Will letting them host simpley fix this?

When I take vidcaps I can't use the UST to convert straight from my xbox so I have to transfer images to my computer and then convert them with the other UST tool, when I do this my vidcap pictures are completely black, is there a way to convert them without them being black?

And are vidcap files ment to be compiled or do I have to say use a gif editor and put like 100 frames together to make a 10 seconds clip?

I'd test the lan myself but my hub died lol and I have not cross-overs and the XB party is in a few days more then likely.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide, feel free to PM me or post your sudgestions.
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Post by kornman00 »

chrismcv wrote:A few questions.

I am wanting to screenshot all the guys that are playing at a lan party coming up.

Can I use the teleport B+d-pad-up to teleport if I am not host?

I don't know if it does it when I am not host but I know when I am host and I am using yelo no points are accumulated when the trainer is active, is there a way around this? Will letting them host simpley fix this?

When I take vidcaps I can't use the UST to convert straight from my xbox so I have to transfer images to my computer and then convert them with the other UST tool, when I do this my vidcap pictures are completely black, is there a way to convert them without them being black?

And are vidcap files ment to be compiled or do I have to say use a gif editor and put like 100 frames together to make a 10 seconds clip?

I'd test the lan myself but my hub died lol and I have not cross-overs and the XB party is in a few days more then likely.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide, feel free to PM me or post your sudgestions.
The other client's won't see you in ur new location. And I'm sure the host machine will correct your location milliseconds after you transported.

I believe a scoreboard protection system is in place, so no cheating accures.


They are ment to be stringed together, yes
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