[WIP] Goldeneye Facility

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Post by genwhite »

This is just amazing..the attention to detail is what is going to make this map playable over, and over... cant wait till its done. you gonna put in any easter eggs for us to try and find? ;)
Last edited by genwhite on Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by metkillerjoe »

I think he may first finish the map, and then worry about extras.

I agree. Very detailed map. Authentic as well.

Its sort of like going to the Czech Republic and going to one of their authentic beer spas and getting drunk in a luxurious tub. That is how authentic it is.

Oh, and did I mention the cute girls with giant beer cups in their hands serving you more beer.

/\ No joke I saw these two girls on a flight from the Czech Republic.*

*Unfortuneately Czechs are not so good on aireline services. Our plane just went without us and we had to stay at an airport hotel, but hell, they were linux computers with AIM and had high speed DSL much better than the 56k I have in my European home (thank God for 15 mbit\s line I have in the US).

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Post by -Laser- »

Good news:Finally have some free time

Bad news:No desktop again. My dad, thinking I spend too much time on the computer, plugged it into this box which is password protected and only gives me 1 hr a day. :( I almost would have preferred it being taken away. Talk about insulting. clicky clicky. The box which this thing came in has pictures of little elementary school kids all over it.
While I could get around this normally, the computer is now in the living room, so I couldn't run it without my sister noticing, and she's a little rat.

Laugh all you want... :cry:

Good news: I removed the hard drives from my desktop, and I still have my laptop

Bad news: My laptop's graphics card sucks ass. And my laptop only has one USB port. (and it's USB 1.1)
My mouse:USB(the USBtoPS/2 adapter thingy doesn work with it)
My wireless internet adapter: USB
My method of connecting my desktop's hard drives to my laptop:USB-IDE adapter.

Good news: I'm still gonna do my best to get some work done anyway.
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Post by Phosphorous »

-Laser- wrote:clicky clicky. The box which this thing came in has pictures of little elementary school kids all over it.
that thing is the work of the devil O_o

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Post by metkillerjoe »

Phosphorous wrote:
-Laser- wrote:clicky clicky. The box which this thing came in has pictures of little elementary school kids all over it.
that thing is the work of the devil O_o
No it is the work of western mom's who have nothing better to do than to worry about how much time Johnny is using to have fun.

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Post by -Laser- »

Aren't they one and the same?

It partially stems from the fact that TVs and computers both have screens I suppose. Watching TV doesn't challenge the brain much, so some parents assume that doing stuff on a computer doesn't either. Also probably has something to do with some parents worrying about their kids physical health(I'm plenty healthy, so I know it's not that)

For me, I think it's mainly the fact that my dad thinks the amount of time I spend on the computer is hurting my grades. Which it isn't (only 2 Bs). Had I been spending the amount of time he probably thinks I'm spending, I'd be much nearer completing facility.

Good news:I remembered that my desktop's keyboard has a built in USB hub. So, I connect that to my laptop. Wireless reciever for my mouse works fine in it, but the USB wireless network adapter says it doesnt have enough power from the USB hub. So, I do something that has worked before for other devices of mine. I rig up an 5v 500mA adapter to the a USB extension cable, and use it to provide supplemental power to the wireless internet adapter.

Bad news: I miswired the thing and ruined my wireless adapter.

And something else stupid. According to windows, my laptop has 2 USB ports. I've searched the thing inside and out, and there's only one.

Today is NOT my day. :(
(Actually, I take that back...I finally got a car today :mrgreen: )

Anyway, I was already planning getting a PCMCIA wireless adapter, since USB based ones are crappy for cracking WEP protected networks. But I'm also having to get a new motherboard, since I found out a week or two back that the area where the PCMCIA slots meet the motherboard is completely torn out of place. My only guess is that the previous owner of the laptop jammed a card in too hard or too far.

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Post by metkillerjoe »

-Laser- wrote:

Today is NOT my day. :(
(Actually, I take that back...I finally got a car today :mrgreen: )
I'm probably one of the only people in history that has tried to take the test for a learner's permit, and failed it two times.

Not the test itself. Getting their and realizing I either don't have my passport and SSN or the RMV is closed :cry: .

The latter happened today.

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Post by -Laser- »

I've had my license for almost a year, but until now, no car to go with it.

&&I was wrong, I didn't ruin my wireless adapter, I ruined my laptops ability to provide power through USB, so now I can only run devices with the rigged up wall plug thingy.

Thank goodness I'm getting a new motherboard.(I'm actually just waiting for it to arrive. I won it for $10 on ebay last week)

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Post by rossmum »

No license yet (I'm almost 17, too... so lazy...) but I have a car. Also, that thing is evil... my parents tried limiting my time once but gave up. I think they realised that I enjoy using the PC and that I'm not a sporty person - in any case I'm actually underweight. People need to realise two things;

1. Video games don't make murderers. Their upbringing and possibly genetics do. Alienating gamers and using them as scapegoats for society's problems won't make it go away.

2. This whole "ZOMG OBESITY" thing is way overboard. Over here school canteens are only allowed to sell 'healthy' food - low sugar, low fat - but looking around any school you'll see most kids are either healthy weight or, like me, about 10-20 kilos too light. Hell, my friend Ty was on the upper end of 'healthy weight' when he was 13, and was as much as I am now (60 kilos, about 120lbs)...

Ok, that's my rather off-topic rant for the day :roll:

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Post by Lowallyn »

-Laser- wrote:
&&I was wrong, I didn't ruin my wireless adapter, I ruined my laptops ability to provide power through USB, so now I can only run devices with the rigged up wall plug thingy.
yea ive noticed enrgy likes to shift

long time back on my game boy i got a rechargeable battery and a dock.
i ran it down so i played my chargeble battery on the dock.

from then on it never chrged, just sent power to my gameboy when i turned it on on the dock.

and i messed up my network adapter trinyg to install a gfx card cuz dells customer support sucks :evil:
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Post by JK-47 »

rossmum wrote:No license yet (I'm almost 17, too... so lazy...) but I have a car. Also, that thing is evil... my parents tried limiting my time once but gave up. I think they realised that I enjoy using the PC and that I'm not a sporty person - in any case I'm actually underweight. People need to realise two things;

1. Video games don't make murderers. Their upbringing and possibly genetics do. Alienating gamers and using them as scapegoats for society's problems won't make it go away.

2. This whole "ZOMG OBESITY" thing is way overboard. Over here school canteens are only allowed to sell 'healthy' food - low sugar, low fat - but looking around any school you'll see most kids are either healthy weight or, like me, about 10-20 kilos too light. Hell, my friend Ty was on the upper end of 'healthy weight' when he was 13, and was as much as I am now (60 kilos, about 120lbs)...

Ok, that's my rather off-topic rant for the day :roll:
Yeah computers don't make fat people, lazyness and lack of sence when eating does.

Anyways, have you been able to work on the map at all lately or are your computers still having problems?

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Post by -Laser- »

Demosthenes wrote:Anyways, have you been able to work on the map at all lately or are your computers still having problems?
I'm done a bit of work on it on my laptop. Nothing really worth showing though.

I may be able to upgrade my laptops graphics card, which will be nice.

I'll still be limited to a single screen at 1024x768 though, which feels super cramped compared to dual 1280x1024.

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Post by {D »

I hope you finish this soon, I really want to play this mod.

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Post by Dole »

rossmum wrote:2. This whole "ZOMG OBESITY" thing is way overboard. Over here school canteens are only allowed to sell 'healthy' food - low sugar, low fat - but looking around any school you'll see most kids are either healthy weight or, like me, about 10-20 kilos too light. Hell, my friend Ty was on the upper end of 'healthy weight' when he was 13, and was as much as I am now (60 kilos, about 120lbs)...
Hehehe, mb in Australia, but not over here...
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Post by The science of Kaboom »

i think the whole obesity thing is overrated in like autrallia nad europe but no in the US i mean when i was riding the bus this lady sat in another bench thing and her fat was SAGGING on me!!! back on topic its a nice map.
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Wow..... time is flys.....

Post by inferno »

You know if you dont finish this map soon well all be playing H2 Pc on windows vista and we will all forget about this map :? .....

Not really ive been folowing this since the post was only a page long...
Although... H3Pc may be out before this map.... No wait thats about 3 years from now lol. maybe you could convert it to halo 2 Ce if you didnt finish...

i hope i dont get banned for that post... i have a bad habit of posting way off topic... and not knowing it... :wink:
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Post by fishface617 »

it will probably be finished befor h2v, and besides h2v wont come out for several months after vista is released, and people wont be buying vista right away anyways, so dont worry about the release date, just be patient.

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Post by PlasmaGhost »

u can get around that thing called "BOB". Simple unplug the power cord from the back of ur comp and put another one in :)

hint: 360 power cords, moniter power cords, and some other cords work for power cords! trust me, ive tried it :)

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Post by tanimax »

On the light switches, you should add the ability to turn lights on and off. That would rock... and as for crampness... just scale the map. And add sings everywhere saying:

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Post by fishface617 »

no thanks.
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