HMT: Flashbangs for Halo PC and other cool stuff.

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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HMT: Flashbangs for Halo PC and other cool stuff.

Post by rossmum »


In HMT (you need Phenomena's plugins for this), go to the damage section, and click on the damage effect you want to edit. Let's use the frag grenade as an example here.

Up the top you will see various things listed under "Screen Flash". Tick the box labelled "Lighten" (although it should already be this by default) then set the duration to however many seconds you want the effect to last, for example, 5. Set priority to "High" and leave the fade alone (it should be ok how it is), then you'll see a series of numbers. Set intensity to whatever value you want, as I'm using a flashbang grenade here as an example you should set it to 1 to completely blank out the screen. Below that are colour values, listed as A, R, G, B. These are alpha, red, green and blue respectively. To be honest I still have no idea what effect tinkering with the alpha value has but I set it to 1, and that works as it should. Now, as this is a flashbang, you want the whole screen to go white, yes? So change each of r, g, and b to 1, thus causing the screen to go completely white and slowly fade when you're within a certain distance of the grenade. NOTE: You're best off using the shockwave damage tag for explosives as this has a much wider spread and works better.

Note brighter-than-normal screen. Because I flashed myself.
Gold light rings are nothing to do with flashbang


This is a fairly easy thing to do, but I like it and it can be used to do some cool stuff. Weapons recoil involves finding the trigger damage tag for that weapon and then locating the permanent camera impulse value. It should say 0. Now, change this to whatever you want. NOTE: The way this works varies for CE and PC. For CE, multiply the Halo PC recoil value by 10 (so if you want to reproduce recoil of, say, -0.03 in CE, change it to -0.3). Also note that making the value a negative nuber makes the weapon recoil up; positive values cause downwards recoil. For Halo PC, -0.01 is roughly equivalent to the Halo 2 SMG's recoil, -0.03 will kick moderately hard (works well for sniper rifle, but often requires relocating of target after each shot), and -0.1 suits the shotgun rather well.
Similarly to this effect, you can make the screen lurch downwards when you take damage (think about a guy doubling over when punched in the gut, you get the idea). This is very similar, just locate the damage tag you want to modify (say, weapons/pistol/pistol bullet if you want to make MC flinch when hit by pistol shots) and set the permanent camera impulse to whatever number you want. Values from 0.05-0.1 work well for bullet hits, whilst 0.3 is good for explosion damage. Note that some weapons will already cause this effect, mainly the explosive ones. For this end, I prefer to make the screen go down rather than up.


This one's easy. Just go to the light tags and make sure "Dynamic" is checked in every tag. This looks really hawt ingame, but may cause lower framerates.

I might post some more tuts later based around the stuff I'm doing in my latest mod. Stuff like electric purple shield flares (think lightning coloured) as opposed to boring old yellow ones, and co-op teleport rings expanding out from the player in a big ball when their shields drop ;)

Pic mb? For you to drool over?

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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

That last picture looks awesome. What is a recoiling weapon? One that moves backwards with the force of every shot?

Anyway, the tutorial is really good. I might try this later.

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Post by Patrickssj6 »

I knew eveything besides the recoiling.I have another method of dynamic lightning reflection though :D
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Post by BEEF!!! »

Awesome! A made one of these a while back when I used to mod (Yes! I used to mod). Didn't really work that well though =P

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Post by rossmum »

RaVNzCRoFT wrote:That last picture looks awesome. What is a recoiling weapon? One that moves backwards with the force of every shot?

Anyway, the tutorial is really good. I might try this later.

It jolts your aim up. (Or down, depending on camera impulse settings)

The last pic is from my mod, crash damage :D
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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

rossmum wrote:It jolts your aim up. (Or down, depending on camera impulse settings)
Ah, like the SMG. I see.

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Post by rossmum »


I'm gonna try figure out sniper breathing patterns, wish me luck ;)
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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

That would be cool. Good luck. :wink:
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Post by Grunt Rebel »

Wow. Thanks to you rossmum i mite start modding halo again! I cant wait to try the flash bang grenade!

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Post by rossmum »

Hey, no problem. Also, Reaper ripped the tags to CE and we chucked them into one of our favourite maps as a test run... they work almost exactly as they do in the PC mod. So we might release the tags soon... as for the testbed map, well, we can't actually release it since we just took a map and added my tags. We'll make our own or something :D
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Post by JK-47 »

Woah thats awsome Rossum, I dunno why I never thought of trying to do something that :lol:
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Post by Reaper Man »

now... thank me for converting all his tags to halo CE format ;)

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Post by rossmum »

What was that? Did I just hear a n00b speak?

:P JK, Reaper does deserve thanks too for tolerating my demands that he rip my tags into a map.

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Post by rossmum »

Bump via double post... oh I'm so naughty.

Just popped by this thread to say that if you want to see the mod I based this tutorial around, check this thread out and download it :D

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Post by metkillerjoe »

I will definitely have to keep the recoil in mind when I'm making custom weapons and such.

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Post by rossmum »

Be careful not to overdo it or reverse the direction accidentally though :P I once had a downwards-recoiling shotgun because I accidentally forgot to make the angle negative, it was really weird.
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Post by [cc]z@nd! »

i was actually tooling around with flashbangs and recoil a while ago in a realism mod i was attempting. maybe i'll have to resurrect it...
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lol awesome

Post by valleyofben »

that recoil for the sniper would be great if u had to re-aim, it would force people to be camper snipers instead of randomly shooting in close range combat. :]

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Post by {jihad}Pickoff »

"Alpha" is how transparent the color is, so and alpha of one would be completely solid. like wise, if the alpha was 0, the effect wouldn't show at all.
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