oDeltaWolfo wrote:can someone help me with this problem... i got the screencap trainer on and everything is turned on TSR is on Debug... so when i try to load up halo 2 it says loading and then it does back to the dashbord... i tured the update off changed the $u to $w
EDIT:haha silly me i guess the update wasnt off heheeh
The update doesn't affect the trainer - it auto disables it.
You're not supposed to use TSR Debug mode, or EvoX to launch the trainer. Go get XBMC!
I love you now...lol
I know Im really late to comment, but this is so awesome
it makes me horny
I read the last few posts also, what do ya think is up and coming in the new version?
Jubakuba, no its not in the dictionary! {inactive profile: now known as Jubakuba} Now Hiring
BlairBitch wrote:i redevery thing but still the debug mod dosent seem to werk i keep presing the rite butions but nuthing is hapening i enabeld the trainer on my xbox so i think its on i got time frezz to work but nuthing els
Monkey Terd wrote:
He already said it doesn't bother him and/or he doesn't use it. Why would he want to spend time fixing something he wouldnt use?
Couldn't of said it any better myself
While it won't automatically fix the view, my new version does allow you to edit the xyz coordinate and hv angular shifts. Once you get the view perfect, you can savestate and load whenever you want...but you'll just have to wait for that
Ok I admit your right there lol. Well ok, I enabled the trainer, but when I went to play only time freeze and screencap worked... and no I don't have the autoupdate.