When custom bsps get here it needs to be raised no question. Please close this topic.Iron_Forge wrote:The patch was that small because I used Serenity...Uncompressed, it was 6MB smaller than the uncompressed SPPF...Add to that Serenity uses LZMA to compress (same as 7zip)...It's alittle slower to compress, but the trade off seems worth it...T1xAnton wrote:That patch you compressed....how did you get it that small? The real question is why are you guys trying to argue with me when you know im right. Whats 5 mb of extra space. Especially when people are willing to donate it. ? You guys are just trying to prove me wrong. I love you guys in an ungay way and all but still. Who is going to take extra time to delete half the map.? No one. Ehh. Whats the point in me arguing anymore because you guys are just going to corner me in a small hole. Like you do most opposing people. So can the mods please close this.
The point isn't "just because", the point is justification...If the size restriction was raised to 15MB "just because", more mods would be 15MB instead of 10, and everyone would be fighting to get 20MB "just because"...As I proved with your mod, it'll still fit under 10MB...And it's not just 5MB more space, it's 50% more space...Factor that over the entire site, not just one mod...
Show me a great mod that's 15MB because it's great, and not 15MB because "OMG I crammed so much stuff into this, and reskinned and dragged over tons of cool stuff", and maybe I'd reconsider...Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reskinning, and bringing over things from SP...But I don't think either of which should add more textures to the map than existed in the first place...And it's not alot of extra time...It's less time...You use the Machinima Companion, remove the LOD's, and your done...Then if you want to skin, you only need to bother with the main LOD...Not saying you have to...Just that if you plan on your mod being massive, maybe it's something you should consider...
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