[WIP] Goldeneye Facility

Finish a new model/mesh? Got something you're working on? Finish a new map? Here's the place to post it for feedback and whatnot.

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Post by Caboose{SE} »

when you do stairs remember to put in a plane right over the surface of the stairs so its easier to climb them. if don't already know apply a material with @ and * at the end (which gives it a collision but does not render).

lookin great
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Post by Excal »

Yeah, please do... ZanzibarCE was a pain in the ass.

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Post by Dole »

-Laser- wrote: ...and 2 conveyor belts as scenery.
Do the conveyor belts convey? :D
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Post by TomClancey »

Excal wrote:Yeah, please do... ZanzibarCE was a pain in the ass.
i know i was wander wat the crap was goign on with those stairs, and with them i died like 8 times cus i couldnt get out in time. So please make them easier to climb.

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Post by Lowallyn »

hmm i have a question i may as well post here because itll kinda be relevant

when you do a glass bitmap you shade the alphamask at halfway between 000 and.. (well im not at home im in norway on dial up :) so i cant check photoshop right now) so it is see thorugh but not invisible. but anyway then you can change type to refelective. so if you shaded the alpha mask on the highest setting, couldnt you make a mirror? if so that would be VERY useful in making other James Bond maps, such as the one from Goldengun* i believe it was called? anyway the one witht the man with the third nipple and the mirror maze to the golden gun

that would be pretty cool to have as a project :D

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Post by -Laser- »


Ok, no update. This is the first time I've even been in front of a computer since last friday. I probably won't be making much progress(ok, any progress whatsoever) on the map for the next week or so because I am currently without my computer(not broken). BUT, I have good news. I will be getting not 1, but 2 laptops for FREE within the next month(my uncle asked me if I wanted them over the weekend). However, I have not gotten the chance to see either of them, so, I have absolutely no idea what they have in the way of graphics.

Finally back from trip :)
Currently No computer :cry:
therefore no progress :cry:
2 free laptops :D :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen: :D :mrgreen:
won't get them for another few weeks :x
Unsure of graphics on laptops :?

BTW, anyone like my new avatar? I used a pic of the golden eye, from the Goldeneye intro, and patterned it after the designation pics the mods and admins have. I know the edges could be smoother, but to keep it under 10k I used GIF instead of PNG.

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Post by rossmum »

Lowallyn wrote:hmm i have a question i may as well post here because itll kinda be relevant

when you do a glass bitmap you shade the alphamask at halfway between 000 and.. (well im not at home im in norway on dial up :) so i cant check photoshop right now) so it is see thorugh but not invisible. but anyway then you can change type to refelective. so if you shaded the alpha mask on the highest setting, couldnt you make a mirror? if so that would be VERY useful in making other James Bond maps, such as the one from Goldengun* i believe it was called? anyway the one witht the man with the third nipple and the mirror maze to the golden gun

that would be pretty cool to have as a project :D
I don't think that's how you do it, but I know you can get real-time reflections in Halo. Killa used them for the ice in Hypo, I think Sunny has used them once or twice, and they're in AotCR and Two Betrayals. Sunny posted a tut somewhere, I think.
Scooby Doo

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Post by Scooby Doo »

wow...it's really comming together. if you need any textures, i'd be happy to help out a bit. &, if you're planning on making the weapons anytime soon...i'd be glad to help you out with some things. i can uvw, skin, model, use hek, & i can do a little bit of animations. anyways...

good luck!

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Post by Officer Mike »

Love the map man!!! The nostalgia of it all is making me laugh and cry at the same time. I'm really excited to see the final. I rember the good old days of tearing through enemies with the RCP-90.... fun times!!! :D

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Post by RRRed »

HaloCE noooo! might have to install it just for this map.
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Post by skyline GT-R »

rossmum wrote:
Lowallyn wrote:hmm i have a question i may as well post here because itll kinda be relevant

when you do a glass bitmap you shade the alphamask at halfway between 000 and.. (well im not at home im in norway on dial up :) so i cant check photoshop right now) so it is see thorugh but not invisible. but anyway then you can change type to refelective. so if you shaded the alpha mask on the highest setting, couldnt you make a mirror? if so that would be VERY useful in making other James Bond maps, such as the one from Goldengun* i believe it was called? anyway the one witht the man with the third nipple and the mirror maze to the golden gun

that would be pretty cool to have as a project :D
I don't think that's how you do it, but I know you can get real-time reflections in Halo. Killa used them for the ice in Hypo, I think Sunny has used them once or twice, and they're in AotCR and Two Betrayals. Sunny posted a tut somewhere, I think.
There is a flag at the very bottum of the .shader_environment, I beleive its called dynamic mirror. The surface has to be flat and not at an angle.

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Post by rossmum »

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Post by JK-47 »

rossmum wrote:winn0r.

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Post by Lowallyn »

skyline GT-R wrote:
Lowallyn wrote:hmm i have a question i may as well post here because itll kinda be relevant

when you do a glass bitmap you shade the alphamask at halfway between 000 and.. (well im not at home im in norway on dial up :) so i cant check photoshop right now) so it is see thorugh but not invisible. but anyway then you can change type to refelective. so if you shaded the alpha mask on the highest setting, couldnt you make a mirror? if so that would be VERY useful in making other James Bond maps, such as the one from Goldengun* i believe it was called? anyway the one witht the man with the third nipple and the mirror maze to the golden gun

that would be pretty cool to have as a project :D

There is a flag at the very bottum of the .shader_environment, I beleive its called dynamic mirror. The surface has to be flat and not at an angle.
thats what i meant ;P
anyway on topic how bout some news on what you up to laser
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Post by -Laser- »


Just a quick note to those who have been asking. I have not abandoned Facility. I'm still waiting to get my computer back.
For those who are wondering, it's not broken or anything; my dad took it away because I didn't get a summer job by June 23rd. I've been applying at assorted places since before then, but haven't had any luck. :? :oops:

Oh, and I'll be getting those 2 laptops mentioned earlier within the next week or so hopefully. :D

EDIT: Lol. Lowallyn posted while I was typing this. =P
Last edited by -Laser- on Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rossmum »

Sucks for you, my parents know that I'm a lazy bastard and so they don't push the issue of getting a job... :P

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Post by fritzistheshit »

i just turned 15 about a month ago and i have a job. pays $10 hour too.

[on topic] is this map going to use the mc biped or a james bond one?
Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
(i learned this one the hard way).

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Post by -Laser- »

MC. As said earlier, I don't want to lose the Halo feel of things.

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Post by rossmum »

MC with a black tux mb?


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Post by -Laser- »

rossmum wrote:MC with a black tux mb?

Lol!. Dude, that actually more or less occured to me as a possibility. Not in a tux per se, but skinning him so that his armor has more or less of a tux coloring pattern. Some white around the collar, and then black elsewhere, along with a few pieces of the armor colored to indicate the player's team.


Still no computer. So, I took the "blueprint" from earlier, and started planning out some stuff.

red area=red spawnpoints will be roughly limited to this area(same with blue area)
yellow=hills for KOTH
Flags=Places I've considered putting the flags.
Oddballs=Oddball spawnpoints

If you wish to reference certain places in the map when making any suggestions, it'd be helpful if you provide a pixel coordinate.(just save it out and open it in paint or something) :D
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