HaloPC: Simple Modding for Beginners

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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HaloPC: Simple Modding for Beginners

Post by x13igDudex12 »

well im bored so lets get the noobs started shall we?

Things you will need:

Thanks to Chromega we have a starter kit:


Sign up and enjoy (i like that because it has over 100+ plugins for HMT

Things you should know:

HMT= Halo Map Tools
HHT= Halo Hacking Tools
SparkEdit= Duh

Now simply i will give you directionjs t make a simple mod..


open blood gulch in HMT

go to the biped tag

depending on plugins you dhould see immune to falling and such.

Go ahead and click immune to falling and alk on walls if you like

Change the jump height to a steady number. Around 5-10 is a nice one to let you hit the ceiling.

Change the crouching camera to the same as standing ( 0.62 i think it is)

Open ITMC (item collection) and choose any weapon you would like and depending on the plugin go ahead and change the respawn time for that weapon.

open jpt! (damage) and go ahead and change any weapon's melle or bullet to anything. Usually 5000 is a 1 hit kill always.

Open matg (game globals) and change crouching speed to any number (10 is nice) in all directins. I wouldnt change walking because then it gets annoying to walk.

open proj (projectile)...This is a fun one. Since this is a simple one but you can go in def... Copy vehicles>scorpion>tankshell explosion meta (number in box). go to Sniper bullet (weapons>sniper>sniper shot) and
paste it there.

open bipd and copy the meta for the cyborg_mp then go back to proj. Go to weapons>plasma psitol>plasma pistol bolt and paste it there. This will make your gun shoot MC's

in proj open rocket launcher and go to homing/turning (depending on plugin) and set it to 20.

Go to vehi (vehicle) and go to banshee. go to seats at the bottom and in the menu clcik 0. In the name of the seat Change it to G-driver instead of B-driver.

go to weap (weapons) and go to rocket launcher. Find Auto Aim and Megnetism range. Change both of them to 9999. And change the Devetion to 0. (also depending on plugin)

stay in wepaon and choose any wepaon you want fully auto matic and infinit ammo. We will start with pistol. Go down to clip and in the dropdown box click 0. In Starting, Maximum, clip size, and shots reloaded change the numbers to 9999 in every one. This makes it infinit ammo! (omg)
Go down to projectile and click 0 like with the clip. Change the minimum and maximum ROF to 100-150 (even more but its not that fun)
And for more fun (if you have the plugin) you can click trigger lock for a on off type of auto. ( Click once and it will stay firing untill you click again)


Open blood gulch in hht

Go to Vehicles and open vehicles>warthog_mp and find (at the top) mod2 and it should have vehicles>wrthog>warthog_mp. At the bottom in the drop down find and select characters>cyborg (i dont know if its mp or regular) and click swap.

Go to the vehicle and go to the banshee and change its mod2 to vehicles-ghost-ghost

go ahead and close it.


Open Bloodgulch and look around in the 3d model. Go to tools> insert teleportation pair. Move one of them somewhere in the base or next to a rock. Put the other one on top of one of the rock cliffs.

Now go to edit mode (a tab) and click in the drop down mp_equitment. Find a sniper rifle on the base and select it. And duplicate it. Move the new sniper on the cliff where you put the other teleporter thing.

Do like the sniper step but with any other weapon. Also you can move the over sheild and the health pack too if you would like.

Click vehicles and select any vehicle and dupplicate it. Select the banshee and duplictae it and move it near one of the teleporter ends in teh middle (ones palced by the game designers not by you) and duplicate another and put it at the other tleporter that doesnt have a banshee.

Select a ghost and go to edit and click swap and in the menu click the turret. Now copy and duplicate it and put it in other places in the map.

go to file-save changes- and close it.

You should be able to crouch walk very fast and jump really high without dieing. The sniper should shoot tank shells and the pistol should shoot suto. the rocket should home in if you zoom in and shoot at an enemie. The ghost should be a turret and you should be able to teleport where you placed it. The banshee should be a ghost and the warthog a MC. that should be it.


PMI is simple but seems hard. Veiw the many tutrials to learn how.

AI are enemies that move and shoot at you. PMI elites or grunts into the map and make them spawn in vehicles to make them shoot at you and such.

(models) you can extrat models and change them around with milkshape 3d or soemthing to make funny, new models for guns and characters and such.

You can extract .dds files to change the way objects look (make the sky green or the grass red) by using photoshop or DXTBmp and MS paint.

Last edited by x13igDudex12 on Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: { Halo 1 } Simple modding

Post by x13igDudex12 »


the ppf (if you have he ppf program) and the .map (if you dont)

i did everything and it works (including the rockets that lock on) but i couldnt do the spark edit things because my computer didnt let it work :(


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Post by trayne »

actually the 9999 to make infinite ammo isnt true. That only increases how much you can carry and eventually it will run out if you have it set on full auto. all you have to do to make it infinite is a simple change a value. I will show you how to do that on HMT and HHT.


Open HMT
Load any map file you wish to do this to.
Go to the gun you want to do it to.
Set Triggers to 0 to show the values
Go down to Rounds per shot.
Set it to 0


Open HHT
Load any map file you wish to do this to.
Go to the gun you want to do it to.
Set Projectiles to 0 to show the values
Go down to Ammo per shot.
Set it to 0

When you play a game you will notice when you shoot, you dont lose any ammo or have to reload. enjoy

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Post by g8m3rtag »

well when i try to open up a map in sparkedit it just gets stuck on like loading tags or something, i read something about trials, is this a trial version of sparkedit that i have or something im confused. and im trying to open up the bloodgulch.map from the xbox version of the game, even though i dont think it matters, cause i think the program supports halo pc and xbox, but im confused could somebody please explain this to me.
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