.:Adding and blending a render:.
Welcome to my humble tutorial, (Don't ask how a tutorial can be humble)
This is what we will be doing in this tutorial
From this:
To this:
Ok, for starters open up photoshop.
Once it is open and fully loaded go to the sig you are or were making, or make a new one, it doesn't matter
Now, find a render you like, I would recommend this site: http://www.gamerenders.com
Save the render you want to use to you're computer.
Now open the render in photoshop by clicking on the "File" text button on the top left of the screen, then hit "Open".
Now browse to where you saved the render and double click on it or click on it once and hit "Open".
Now go to the text in Photoshop that says "Select" and hit "Select All"
Go to the text that button says "Edit", (which should be right by "File") and hit "Copy".
Now switch back to the sig you were making. Go to the layer above the sig, and go to "Edit" and hit "Paste", or hit "ctrl-v".
Now you will probably want to resize the render to the size fit for the sig you are making, and if it doesn't automatically have it in that mode, right click in the render space, and hit free transform, now resize to what you see fit. Hold down Shift to constrain proportions so the render doesn't get squished.
Ok now the blending part comes:
Ok to change the colors of the render we have to go to
Layer->New Adjustment Layer> Color balance.
Mess with the settings by moving the bars, and therefore changing the color, but be sure to mess with all the sections, which can be changed by pressing the three buttons *Shadows/Midtones/Highlights* under the bars.
Once you get the desired color that fits the background its time to Feather it. (meaning not having the render green and the background red)
Now comes the feather part, which blends the edges of the render in, and makes the sig a whole lot better, ok here we go again.
Go to the toolbox window, which is set as default to the left of the screen, if you don't see it go to the text at the top that says window, and hit tools.
Now look at the top part where you can see some icons, the second to top one (on the left side) is what we will be using, so select it and go into the image section, it should show instead of the normal mouse pointer a little lasso icon. (be sure you have the layer with the render on it selected)
Now go to the box at the top of photoshop that says feather, and type in 10-20, the higher the number the more blending that will be done. Now slowly click on the left mouse button, and start doing a outline of the render, once finished let go of the left mouse button,
(make sure you have surrounded the render with the lasso trail first) and go to New Adjustment Layer>Add Layer Mask then hit hide selection, and that should do it.
Ok and thats that please leave any comments you may have about this tutorial
[Tutorial] Adding and blending a render
[Tutorial] Adding and blending a render
Last edited by Ombre on Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- GametagAeonFlux
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