- -Tool
Q-Where is Tool and how do I open it? When I try to open it, it pops up for a second and then it disappears. What do I do?
A-Well, first off, Tool (or Tool.exe for you file extension enthusiasts out there) is located in your Halo Custom Edition Root Folder. To get there, simply go to X:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition (that's the most common installation path; X: stands for your Drive name). To use it, you can't just double click it. There are a variety of ways you can open Tool. The most commonly used one is by navigating to it in the Command Prompt. To do this, go to your Start menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt (refer to Figure 1). Another alternative is by going to your Start Menu > Run (refer to Figure 2). After clicking on the Run Button, a small box in the bottom left hand corner should appear. When it does, type cmd (refer to Figure 3). A black window should pop up after both of these procedures (refer to Figure 4).
Figure 1: "To do this, go to your Start menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt"
Figure 2: "Another alternative is by going to your Start Menu > Run"
Figure 3: "After clicking on the Run Button, a small box in the..."
Figure 4: "A black window should pop up after both of these procedures"
Although some people are comfortable with using the Command Prompt, some are not. That's why one of HaloMods and Gearbox's 1337est members decided to take up the task of creating an easy-to-use program called Tool++. It's tool, with a cool User Interface (see Figure 5). A bit easier to use for those who don't prefer the command prompt.
Figure 5: "It's tool, with a cool User Interface"
Here's the download link:
Tool++ by Kornman00 (another_hobo).
Q-When I try to compile, I get a bunch of errors that say something like:
Code: Select all
### ERROR edge #458 is open <red>.
### ERROR edge #356 is open <red>.
### ERROR edge #714 is open <red>.
I get something like that and it doesn't make my scenerio. What is this and how can I fix it?
A-Well, that's an open edge (obviously) and it is a location in your level where the Sealed World Rules aren't satisfied. Everything in your map MUST BE SEALED or you will get errors like this. Along the way, you might see other errors that might say "couldn't update edge" or "degenerate triangle" and the color in the arrrows (<>) could even be purple, blue. or cyan. These are all errors that don't allow the level to compile and they can all be fixed using the same method. First, you want to open 3ds max (Gmax doesn't support this procedure) and open your level model. Then go to the modifier tab (refer to 1 in Figure 7) and select the Modifier List drop-down menu (refer to 2 in Figure 7). Then go and select "STL Check". Now here's where you have some freedom. To check for Open Edges, select the Open Edges button in the Errors Box. Then select "Check" so it can check for Open Edges or whatever you selected. If you check the "Change Mat-ID XX" button, then the open edges will have the Material ID specified. Then you can to the Editable Mesh Modifier and select the material ID of 2 when in Edge Selection Mode. Then you can delete them and make new faces in Polygon or Face Selection Mode. There is only one drawback to this method. STL Check checks for some things tool does and does not. So what STL Check might see as an error might not be an error in tool, and vice-versa. That's why the next method is a little better even though it's a bit harder.
When you get errors, a WRL File is created in your Halo Custom Edition Root Folder with the name of your exported JMS. To use this, go into 3ds max and open your level. Then go to File > Import... . Then select "VRML (*.WRL,*.WRZ)" as the Files Type. After that, navigate to your Halo CE Root Folder and select the WRL file named after your map. When you hit enter or click Import, a pop up will appear (refer to Figure 8). Uncheck all three boxes and click "OK". Now press F3 to go into Wireframe Mode (refer to Figure 9) and move around in your Perspective Viewport. You will see some red, cyan, green lines. Each color represents the error color you see in tool. Now you can see which edges to delete and re-create.
NOTE :: You can view a video version of this Q & A by Kirks4. I'll post a link to it as soon as the Files Forum goes back online.
NOTE :: This method works in Gmax as long as your using Chimp 1.4 (or higher). Here's a screenshot of how it looks (a download link is just below it):
Chimp 1.4 Download
Figure 6: "When I try to compile, I get a bunch of errors..."
Figure 7: "go to the modifier tab..., select the Modifier List drop-down menu..."
Figure 8: "When you hit enter or click Import,..."
Figure 9: "Now press F3 to go into Wireframe Mode..."
Q-When I open Sapien, I can't see anything. How do I see my level in Sapien so I can edit it?