halostats.com has collected 30 days of Halo PC stats

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halostats.com has collected 30 days of Halo PC stats

Post by halostats_com »

I don't know if this is the right place to start, but I would like to see if halomods can do anything to help get the word out to the nearly 100,000 Halo PC players tracked on halostats.com.

The halostats site monitors and saves the game history for Halo servers and provides several rankings based on that information. This site offers something truly unique, and was no small effort to put it all together.

I would appreciate any help or feedback halomods and the Halo community is able to provide to us in getting the word out and making this a successful and useful resource.

If halomods can provides us a 160x600 banner, we will put it into the rotation back to halomods.

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Post by BEEF!!! »

Hmmm... That's kinda cool. Keep it up.

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Post by Apocalyptic »

This isn't that bad of an idea, except that Halo PC had been gradually dying since Halo 2's release.


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Post by halostats_com »

Yeah, I wish I could have done this earlier to track that decline.. The good news is that it was a manageable problem to tackle, verses what it would take for a more mainstream game.

I don't know how many unique players there are, but the number of active player names was almost double what I would have guessed with about 18,000 identified as clan players.

I have had Halo 2 since it was released and played it through and played live a little, then went back to playing PC again. Either I am a little retro, or I just hate those damn controllers. I guess there will be a few diehards out there until Halo 2 comes out for the PC.

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Post by machopenguin001 »

Lol, I got Halo 2 now, I stil have Halo CE on my computer, but haven't played it in months! A while back I played it and couldn't stand it! The graphics were shit! Everything was all smooth and puffy, and fuzzy, and I couldn't get used to the mouse control. This last weekend me and my friend invited two other friends over for a Halo 2, play fest. It was awesome. Juggernaut gametype kicks ASS. Now, if only I could get god damned xblox live to work! All four of us have xbox's, me and the first friend both have xbox and Halo 2. The other two are brothers and play WAY to many starwars games lol.
Good bye. So long. I hope we never meet again. F u halomods.com
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