need help with making trainer

Post here about scripting and programming for HaloPC (audio, network, ai, etc.)

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Post by sparkicks »

just post the dam values it doesnt take a rocket scientist to post them on a forum

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Post by [CL]9mm-Man »

People work for their values, to achieve good things, you have to be bothered..bothered to get them. Read some of my tutorails and stuff...Im gonna make another soon
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Post by Oosty »

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Post by jdp209 »

i havent been able to find them with any tutorial that i have ever found

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Post by Oosty »

trust me, i have EVERY value, offset, everything
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Post by jdp209 »

will some body just give me what i asked for

i said already that i cant find it

so will you plz give them to me

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Post by Oosty »

hmmmmm, and what do i get in return?
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Post by jdp209 »

a thank you?

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Post by Oosty »

no, something worth it :!:
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Post by [CL]9mm-Man »

I'll slap you if you don't! ..Nah joking...Some things you want in this trainer wont work
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Post by Oosty »

what you mean, my trainer works fully

it has all t3h things he wants, and MORE!
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Post by jdp209 »

Oosty wrote:no, something worth it :!:
?uh how?

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Post by theguy2042000 »

what a terible excuse im tired of hearing people say i dont have aim i dont have msn i dont have messenge i have all if you dont have one get it it takes 5min or less to do it!!!!l :twisted: :twisted: lol

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Post by jdp209 »

guess what!!!

I dont Care if your tired of hearing it
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Post by Simmons »

it went from a simple an something close to flaming...just tell him the values...and then put ure name in creds in giant red letters

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Post by kyboren »

I originally wrote this class for a plugin for HSE. Since that never really got off the ground, I'll share it with you guys (even though most of you guys seem to really just be leechers :roll:)


Code: Select all


Contains a class that provides functions for reading in and retrieving player information
in Halo.

Note: Don't include this file.  Instead, use Server.h

Copyright 2004 Andrew Becker
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
//this is a class I have to detect memory leaks for me -- don't worry about it

#define MAX_INSTANCES 12
#define MAX_NAMELENGTH 24 

#define PC_DS 1
#define PC_GM 2
#define CE_DS 3
#define CE_GM 4//pc and ce ingame and DS servers

#define PC_DS_CLASS 0x4029CF64
#define PC_DS_SCORE 0x63A090

#define CE_GM_CLASS 0x402AB07A
#define CE_GM_SCORE 0x64C280

#define PC_GM_CLASS 0x0
#define PC_GM_SCORE 0x0//PC ingame is obviously not supported right now.

int my_itoa(const int number, char *data);//base can only be 10, and ASSUMES the data buffer supplied is big enough to hold the number

class Player
	int player_score;
	short player_deaths;
	short player_assists;
	short player_kills;
	short player_betrayals;
	short player_suicides;
	char player_team;
	char player_ingame;
	std::string player_name;
	std::string player_ipadd;
	std::string player_cdkey;

	//end of player data
	//start of class data
	int SIZE;//offset between players
	int ASSISTS;//offset of assists from kills
	int DEATHS;//offset of deaths from kills (beginning of player info structure)
	int SUICIDES;//offset of suicides from kills
	int TKS;//offset of TKs for each player from kills
	int NAMES;//offset of name from player's kills.
	int TEAMS;//IMPORTANT: this is the offset of player teams from player 1 kills! this is an array of characters! ***NOT PART OF THE STRUCTURE***
	int PLAYERIN;//IMPORTANT: this is the offset of player teams from player 1 score! this is an array of separate structures! ***NOT PART OF THE PLAYER INFO STRUCTURE**
	int PLAYERSZ;//Size of the abovementioned structure
	//start of individual class data
	unsigned int player_class_location;
	unsigned int player_score_location;
	unsigned int player_number;

	unsigned long process_PID;
	HANDLE hProc;//the handle to the process

	Player(const unsigned long &PID, const unsigned int &type, const unsigned int &player_number);
	int Score();
	short Deaths();
	short Kills();
	short Betrayals();
	short Assists();
	short Suicides();
	char Team();
	char In_game();
	const char *Name();
	int Refresh();
	int Refresh_Score();
	int Refresh_Kills();
	int Refresh_Assists();
	int Refresh_Deaths();
	int Refresh_Suicides();
	int Refresh_Betrayals();
	int Refresh_Team();
	int Refresh_In_Game();
	int Refresh_Name();
	//end of player info
	//start of class info
	void Set_PID(const unsigned long &PID);
	void Set_Location(const unsigned long &class_location, const unsigned long &score_location, const unsigned long &ipadd_location);
	void Set_Player_Number(const unsigned int &player_num);
	void Set_Size(const unsigned long &size);
	void Set_Type(const unsigned long &type);
	bool Handle_Is_Null();
	unsigned int Open_Halo();
};//our player class

	SIZE    = 0x200;
	ASSISTS = 0x8;
	DEATHS  = 0x12;
	SUICIDES= 0x14;
	TKS     = 0x44;
	NAMES   = -0x54;
	TEAMS   = -0x7C;
	PLAYERIN= -0x890;
	PLAYERSZ= 0x30;

	player_score = 0;
	player_deaths = 0;
	player_kills = 0;
	player_betrayals = 0;
	player_team = 0;
	player_ingame = 0;
	player_name = "<NULL>";

	player_class_location = 0;
	player_score_location = 0;
	player_ipadd_location = 0;
	player_number = 0;
	process_PID = 0;

Player::Player(const unsigned long& PID, const unsigned int &type, const unsigned int &player_num)
	case PC_DS:
		player_class_location = PC_DS_CLASS;
		player_score_location = PC_DS_SCORE;
	case CE_GM:
		player_class_location = CE_GM_CLASS;
		player_score_location = CE_GM_SCORE;
	case PC_GM:
		player_class_location = PC_GM_CLASS;
		player_score_location = PC_GM_SCORE;

	if( (player_num <= 16) && (player_num >= 1) )//if valid range
		player_number = player_num;

	process_PID = PID;//assign PID

	SIZE    = 0x200;
	ASSISTS = 0x8;
	DEATHS  = 0x12;
	SUICIDES= 0x14;
	TKS     = 0x44;
	NAMES   = -0x54;
	TEAMS   = -0x7C;
	PLAYERIN= -0x890;
	PLAYERSZ= 0x30;

	player_score = 0;
	player_deaths = 0;
	player_kills = 0;
	player_team = 0;
	player_ingame = 0;
	player_name = "<NULL>";

	hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);//attempt to open the process
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = NULL;//assign a NULL value
	}//we failed.  Oh. Noes.  We'll try again when refreshing


	CloseHandle(hProc);//close our handle

int Player::Score()
	return player_score;

short Player::Deaths()
	return player_deaths;

short Player::Suicides()
	return player_suicides;

short Player::Kills()
	return player_kills;

short Player::Betrayals()
	return player_betrayals;

short Player::Assists()
	return player_assists;

char Player::Team()
	return player_team;

char Player::In_game()
	return player_ingame;

const char * Player::Name()
	return player_name.c_str();

int Player::Refresh()
	int result = 1;// we start with one so we can mutiply
	char name[13];//temp buffer for name
	ipaddr_union address;//for the IP address
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
    result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_score_location) + ((player_number-1)*4)        + 0      ), (void*)&player_score    , 4, 0);//read scores
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + 0      ), (void*)&player_kills    , 2, 0);//read kills
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + DEATHS ), (void*)&player_deaths   , 2, 0);//read deaths
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     +SUICIDES), (void*)&player_suicides , 2, 0);//read suicides
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + ASSISTS), (void*)&player_assists  , 2, 0);//read assists
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + TKS    ), (void*)&player_betrayals, 2, 0);//read TKs
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_score_location) + ((player_number-1)*PLAYERSZ)+ PLAYERIN), (void*)&player_ingame   , 1, 0);//read ingame
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + TEAMS  ), (void*)&player_team     , 1, 0);//read team
	for(unsigned int name_index = 0; name_index < MAX_NAMELENGTH; name_index += 2)
		result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE) + NAMES + name_index), (void*)&name[(name_index / 2)], 1, 0);//read name
	name[12] = '\0';//nullify the name
	player_name = name;//the name is what we just read	

	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Score()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_score_location) + ((player_number-1)*4)        + 0      ), (void*)&player_score    , 4, 0);//read scores
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Kills()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + 0      ), (void*)&player_kills    , 2, 0);//read kills
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Betrayals()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + TKS    ), (void*)&player_betrayals, 2, 0);//read TKs
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Assists()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail

	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + ASSISTS), (void*)&player_assists  , 2, 0);//read assists
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Deaths()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + DEATHS ), (void*)&player_deaths   , 2, 0);//read deaths
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Suicides()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     +SUICIDES), (void*)&player_suicides , 2, 0);//read suicides
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Team()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE)     + TEAMS  ), (void*)&player_team     , 1, 0);//read team
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_In_Game()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail

	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_score_location) + ((player_number-1)*PLAYERSZ) + PLAYERIN     ), (void*)&player_ingame   , 1, 0);//read ingame
	return result;

int Player::Refresh_Name()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;
	char name[13];

	for(unsigned int name_index = 0; name_index < MAX_NAMELENGTH; name_index += 2)
		result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>((player_class_location) + ((player_number-1)*SIZE) + NAMES + name_index), (void*)&name[(name_index / 2)], 1, 0);//read name
	name[12] = '\0';//nullify the name
	player_name = name;//the name is what we just read

	return result;

void Player::Set_PID(const unsigned long &PID)

void Player::Set_Location(const unsigned long &class_location, const unsigned long &score_location, const unsigned long &ipadd_location)
	player_class_location = class_location;
	player_score_location = score_location;

void Player::Set_Player_Number(const unsigned int &player_num)
	player_number = player_num;

void Player::Set_Size(const unsigned long &size)
	SIZE = size;

void Player::Set_Type(const unsigned long &type)
	case PC_DS:
		player_class_location = PC_DS_CLASS;
		player_score_location = PC_DS_SCORE;
	case CE_GM:
		player_class_location = CE_GM_CLASS;
		player_score_location = CE_GM_SCORE;
	case PC_GM:
		player_class_location = PC_GM_CLASS;
		player_score_location = PC_GM_SCORE;
bool Player::Handle_Is_Null()
	return (hProc == NULL);

unsigned int Player::Open_Halo()
	hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, process_PID);
	return (hProc != NULL);//return 1 for success

int my_itoa(const int number, char *data)
	std::string buf;
	std::string buffer;
	int num = std::abs(number);
	const unsigned int numdigits = (log((float)num) / log(10.0f)) + 1;
	unsigned int dig_buf;
	for(int i = 1; i <= numdigits; ++i)
		dig_buf = static_cast<int>(std::pow(10.0f, i-1));

		buffer = (num % static_cast<int>(std::pow(10.0f, i))) / dig_buf + '0';
		buf += buffer;

	if(number < 0)
		buf += '-';

	std::reverse(buf.begin(), buf.end());

	std::strcpy(data, buf.c_str());

	return (buf.size() > 0);


Code: Select all


Provides a class interface to be used between your application and Halo.

Copyright 2004 Andrew Becker
#include <vector>
#include "Player.h"

#define MAX_PLAYERS 16

#define ERROR 0
#define PC_DS 1
#define PC_GM 2
#define CE_DS 3
#define CE_GM 4//pc and ce ingame and DS servers

#define PC_DS_GAMETYPE 0x6712D8 //1 = CTF, 2 = Slayer, 3 = Oddball, 4 = KOTH, 5 = Race
#define CE_GM_GAMETYPE 0x0
#define PC_GM_GAMETYPE 0x0//obviously these aren't implemented#nwe

const int CTF     = 1;
const int SLAYER  = 2;
const int ODDBALL = 3;
const int KOTH    = 4;
const int RACE    = 5;//gametypes
const char gametypes[5][15] = {"CTF","Slayer","Oddball","KOTH","Race"};//gametype strings

class Server
	unsigned long server_PID;//the PID of the server
	unsigned long server_isEnabled;//is it enabled?  did the user check off this box?
	unsigned long server_Number;//i.e. 1 for "Halo Console (1)", 2 for "Halo Console (2)"
	unsigned long server_Type;//type of server, i.e. Halo PC DS, Halo CE game
	unsigned long server_Gametype;//gametype on server
	unsigned long server_gametype_loc;//location of gametype on server proc
	HANDLE hProc;//handle to the process
	HANDLE server_thread;//handle to the thread for this process

	Server();//default constructor
	std::vector<Player*> Players;//vector of POINTERS to Player objects
	ConsoleLogger Console;//for logging the console data if it is a DS
	const char *Gametype();//returns gametype string of current gametype on server
	const unsigned long PID();
	HANDLE Thread();//returns a handle to the current thread
	const unsigned long isEnabled();
	const unsigned long Number();
	const unsigned long Type();//echoes the variables above
	const int Refresh(void);//refresh all
	const int Set_PID(const unsigned long PID);
	const int Set_Thread(HANDLE hThread);
	const int Set_Enabled(const unsigned long isEnabled);
	const int Set_Number(const unsigned long Number);//sets the variables above
	const int Set_Type(const unsigned int Type);//set type
	const int Set_All(const unsigned long PID, HANDLE hThread, const unsigned long isEnabled, const unsigned long Number, const unsigned long Type);


	server_PID = 0;
	server_thread = 0;
	server_isEnabled = 0;
	server_Number = 0;
	server_Type = 0;
	server_thread = 0;//0 the values

	for(unsigned int i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
		Players.push_back(new Player(server_PID, server_Type, (i+1)));//insert a new player


const int Server::Set_All(const unsigned long PID, HANDLE hThread, const unsigned long isEnabled, const unsigned long Number, const unsigned long Type)
	server_PID = PID;
	server_thread = hThread;
	server_isEnabled = isEnabled;
	server_Number = Number;
	server_Type = Type;

		case PC_DS:
			server_gametype_loc = PC_DS_GAMETYPE;
		case CE_GM:
			server_gametype_loc = CE_GM_GAMETYPE;
		case PC_GM:
			server_gametype_loc = PC_GM_GAMETYPE;

			server_gametype_loc = PC_DS_GAMETYPE;//weird type, assume PC dedicated server

	return 0;

	for(unsigned int i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
		delete Players[i];//delete memory

	CloseHandle(hProc);//close the handle to the proc
	CloseHandle(server_thread);//close the thread handle

const unsigned long Server::PID()
	return server_PID;

HANDLE Server::Thread()
	return server_thread;

const unsigned long Server::isEnabled()
	return server_isEnabled;

const unsigned long Server::Number()
	return server_Number;

const unsigned long Server::Type()
	return server_Type;

const int Server::Refresh()
	int result = 1;

	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, server_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more, then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
		if(Players[i]->Handle_Is_Null())//null handle
			Players[i]->Open_Halo();//try to open the process

		result *= Players[i]->Refresh();
	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>(server_gametype_loc), (void*)&server_Gametype, 1, 0);//read gametype

	return result;

const int Server::Set_PID(const unsigned long PID)
	server_PID = PID;

	for(unsigned int i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)

	return 0;

const int Server::Set_Thread(HANDLE hThread)
	if(hThread = NULL)
		return 1;

	server_thread = hThread;

	return 0;

const int Server::Set_Enabled(const unsigned long isEnabled)
	server_isEnabled = isEnabled;
	return 0;

const int Server::Set_Number(const unsigned long Number)
	server_Number = Number;

	return 0;
const int Server::Set_Type(const unsigned int Type)
	server_Type = Type;

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
	}//set the type

	return Type;

const char *Server::Gametype()
	if(hProc == NULL)
		hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, server_PID);
		if(hProc == NULL)
			MessageBox(0, "Couldn't open the Halo process for reading.  \nIf you are sure Halo is running and you have access, send an email to Kybo Ren at:\", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			return 0;//0 is fail
		}//we try once more, then fail
	}//if hProc still is messed	
	int result = 1;

	result *= ReadProcessMemory(hProc, reinterpret_cast<void*>(server_gametype_loc), (void*)&server_Gametype, 1, 0);//read gametype

	return gametypes[server_Gametype];
I release this code as freeware: you may use it in any application you want, you do not have to cite me as a contributor, and you may distribute this code freely as long as you follow the following terms.

1. You may not remove the copyright notice from the code.
2. You may not claim to have written this code (relates to #1)
3. When distributing these files, you must claim me as the original author, no matter how much you've changed them.
4. Give me credit in any application you make.
5. You may use this in a private or commercial application, but you still must give me some credit (about box maybe?). Good luck.
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