i have media player 10 and i can't watch the video
ca someone please post another (not rar or zip)
It must be rar or zip. This iste doesnt let you ust put the vid on so you must compress it......Please dont tell me you tried playing the rar file.....
I also can't play the file (Yes the avi) becous he is complaining about codecs he can't download. what's the prob? can some1 help me? I'm using Media Player 10 and also Winamp 5 (both have the same prob)
I've played on THE XBOX 360 ALREADY!!! I've played it on october the 27nd 3 hours .
i really need help guys, im fairly new to halo 2 modding and i need a tool for signing my maps, tf6 dont work cause .net framework wont install on my xp pc any help with signing maps or any info on patches in general would be appreciated
kazsymonds, all Halo 2 modding utilities have a signer in them, DotHalo signs when you close the map, and ADI has one too, under Tools->Checksum Recalculator. And in Ch2r, you click Re-Sign map in the main "screen".