How do I change Haircrosses?

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How do I change Haircrosses?

Post by Dragon_Rage808 »

Yes, I am a n00b...

Anyways, I was wondering how to change the Haircross (or Aimer) of a gun. Like change the AR's Haircross with the Pistol's. Thanks for your help!
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Post by 1981gMachine »

You could swap the meta of the AR with the pistol. You would need 2 us HMTs, open up any map, go to the bitmaps tab, then find > ui\hud\bitmaps\combined\hud_recticles, then you would have to save all of them and open them up in a program that u have that can open a .dds file type. This is to see what is what cuz the preview wont show you anything. Once you find the AR and Pistol recticle, you then will know which one to swap the meta with.

I'm pretty sure this will work, about 90%

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Post by Dragon_Rage808 »

Ok thank you!
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Post by CtrlAltDestroy »

Haircrosses? :? I think you mean crosshairs. :wink:

If you want to change JUST THE CROSSHAIR:
Under bitmaps, go to ui\hud\bitmaps\combined\hud_reticles, then on the side, swap individual textures.

If you want to change the ENTIRE HUD,
Go down to [wphi] Weapon HUD Interface, and swap.
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Post by Guest »

I didn't write this and it's only for HaloPC

Hope it helps...

This tutorial should walk you through the methods of extracting, modifying, and reinjecting reticles to and from Halo. This is assuming you have Halo Map Tools, Adobe Photoshop, the .dds plugin, and are capable of editing texture files.

1: Extracting a Reticle:

Open up Halo Map Tools. In the bottom left there is a button that reads "Open Map File". Load any of the maps from your Halo/Maps/ directory. The reticles are all the same, and if you change the reticles of 1 map, the reticles of all the other maps will change, too.

Now, once you have a map opened, I will use for this example, expand the Bitmap list. There are 552 items, if you're not sure at first which one to open. Now, under this Bitmap folder, scroll down until you come to ui\hud\bitmaps\combined\hud_reticles. In the gray box on the right column, a list of 14 textures will appear. These are all your reticles. Here is what all of them are:

1: Warthog (Driver), Assault Rifle, Pistol, and Unarmed
2: Banshee
3: Warthog (Chain) Gunner
4: Plasma Pistol
5: Plasma Rifle
6: [Unknown] I have never seen this in the game. Similiar to the shotgun/flamethrower reticle, though.
7: Needler
8: Rocket Launcher
9: Flamethrower and Shotgun
10: Tank
11: Covenant Turret
12: Ghost
13: Plasma Cannon
14: Warthog (Rocket) Gunner

For this example, I will want to modify the pistol reticle. This is part of the first texture group. Simply left click the "1 - 128X128" on the gray menu, and then click "Save Texture". Find a spot where you won't lose it, and save it as a .dds file. Congratulations, you just extracted a reticle.

2: Modifying a Reticle:

This is where you will need photoshop and the .dds plugin. On the "File" pulldown menu, select "Open" and open up your reticle. Play around with it, if you want. It's all good. Once you have finished modifying your reticle, again click "File", and "Save As". Make sure you save it as a DDS!

Now, a screen pops up, with a lot of little radio buttons and check boxes. For your save format, the upper left box, select "32 bit ARGB", and directly below that, under "MIP maps", select "No MIP maps". Now click save, and you just created for yourself a custom reticle, ready for inserting.

3: Injecting a Reticle:

Again, you will want to get back into Halo Map Tools, and open up a map. If you have forgotten the process, it is the same as extracting a reticle, up to when you save the texture. Instead of saving a texture, you will want to click on the bottom button, Inject Texture, instead. Now, simply find the reticle you made, and inject! **NOTE** Once you inject a reticle for one map, say Blood Gulch, that reticle will be applied to all the maps, just like any other skin. **NOTE**

This is my current reticle.
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Post by NOS--- »

Would somebody mind makeing me the Rectile with the crosshair of the battlerifle for the assult rifle? man i could not use photoshop! Please?

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Post by JustAFan »

i'm trying to do the same thing lol
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