this map is kinda of a combination of many mods such snipeway, snipergulch, and halo 2 mod. custom textures and much more. give it a try and this is my first mod ive posted. This is beta so give me some feedback.
This is cool The skins are "off the chain" the walls are nice must of spent time lining up the blocks. Just needs sum weapon modslike the Battle rifle and it be my favorite so far. Good job
Try just make a quick username and host em, that always worx for me. BTW umm the mods not bad need to spice it up a bit but not bad for a first try.
I finally got some pics up (thanks for the site to host em STREYFLIP) and now i need some more feedback in order to make a v2, i have gotten some but not enough to make a v2 worth it.