Thanks for the compliment swese44 you should definately give the gun a try, I had it in some mods at a Lan party I went to a couple of weeks ago and everyone loved it. Anyway I was kind of hoping to get some feedback on flag placement suggestions, I do not play CTF that much but I do like having the option to play it, I just don't know if their could be good flag placement in this small area.
I will try out the patches I uploaded I know I haven't had any problems like this, if I have the same problems with these I know I have some that work sorry about that, this happen to anyone else?
I didn't think their was a game type which used the plasma rifle and the assault rifle unless you swapped it with one of the editors, but all you should have to do is open it in SparkEdit and move the AR inside because all I moved was PR, thinking it would take care of both, but I will fix it, but I will not be able to post it until Monday probably.