That will convert to DXT 1/2/3/4/5 as he said... and also as he said.... not as user friendly.|mike| wrote:ok nevermind, i got it to work, however not using convim
a better program i think is directx's summer 2003 SDK pack. There is a program in there called DXTex that can convert BMP's to DXT1/2/3/4/5 and DXT1/2/3/4/5 to BMP's very nicely, though it is a bit less user-friendly than convim.
"invalid floating point operation "
For anyone getting this look at the website that hosts Convim and see if there is something on it... I'll look later... and for anyone that doesn't understand how to use this, 1st, look at the small tutorial i did, last post, 1st page... If it still add me on MSN or AIM DarkOffset