Only Xbox NTSC maps should be submitted here! Do NOT post full maps, only PPF files

More map packs??

Great idea!
Great idea! (this is a fantastic idea, come on!!)
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Post by jkjk »

you guys can do that here.

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Post by blink182house »

jkjk wrote:you guys can do that here.
Sorry, thought that it'd get removed for not being a download.

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Post by goatninja »

blink182house wrote:We could just start another thread on like Halome.com and ask people to reply with their favorite 13 (or 11, whatever the amount is... i forget) OF this list :

::insert list of maps::
perfect... we'll start on monday and we'll start a new poll and erase this one... and ask people to post their map choices...the top 13 will get beta tested real quick to make the final list...any errors and we'll go to the next runner up... what do you think??

As some of you now.. I am passing around invitations to form a team cxe and Ultra Magnus and team nmp has accepted my request for it to become a division of team nmp... the current volunteers are:

-NikeJustDoItOk (team hce) :wink:
-XboxWarez (team hce)

If there are any more volunteers.. please don't hesitate to ask... please have a proposal with how you can help....especially if you haven't been around halomods...

as soon as we can get everyone on aim, we can start a selection process, and discuss team structure and objectives....

Last edited by goatninja on Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mr_abc »

can i help i can make some sweet ass mods i'm sure off it with all of us we can kick ass

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Post by blink182house »

Yo, make sure you add my 2 maps to the list to choose from in the new thread.... The Window, and Team-HASTE! are the names.

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Post by fezzman »

Glad to be on board. I just need some clarification on how the process of a team works all at the same time. Say you've got one person building a map with blocks, another skinning blocks, and a third injecting new scenery. Can these three people work independantly? Or does the first person need to completely make the map, pass it to the skinner, who then passes it to the injector? Get what I'm saying here?

Basically I just want to know how an effective game play would work best.

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Post by mrhyperpenguin »

of course i'll help
i can do almost everything
expect for modeling and skinning :?

i'll be on aim: mrhyperpenguin
Say you've got one person building a map with blocks, another skinning blocks, and a third injecting new scenery. Can these three people work independantly? Or does the first person need to completely make the map, pass it to the skinner, who then passes it to the injector? Get what I'm saying here?

Basically I just want to know how an effective game play would work best.
i think thats the way it'll go
if the 3 independant people make ppf patches and they all overwrite one coll model then the map is screwd up

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Post by goatninja »

Wicked... I've updated the recruit list

This is how i was hoping to organize things...(from my pm to gtjuggler)

So i was figuring that i could be a tribunal-style moderator... no decision making powers... just making sure that all decisions are fair... and you and the other modders would all make the decisions... with equal weight carried by every modder... i'd like to put my suggestions up for your vote too... but to ensure fairness... even if there is disagreement... i will not be able to vote... my vote does not count... that way i can be impartial if i need to choose a side in case of disagreement
...(i have to do something since i have no modding skills, lol)

So you guys decide on direction and draw on each other for help...

For now, if you all agree, the immediate goals are to decide on the final 13 for this first pack...
Once decided, the modders on the team whose maps are in the pack can continue tweaking and taking out bugs and freely ask for help from other team members...
the team members are only asked to be active... provide input and be there for help...
for those maps chosen that don't have active modders we can do one of 2 things (or any other suggestions): put them in as is or attempt as best as possible to get them ready within around a week (for the hopeful release date).... OR... completely change the goal of this map pack in light of the many maps currently in the works by the modders on the team If you would prefer this... than by all means.... lets do it.... between you guys.... you have more than enough new maps for a new map pack... it is what you are already working on....and once released.. we can dedicate the next pack pack to reworked versions of the popular classics....goldeneye, torture chamber, etc.

what do you think? and if your not on aim... get on... then magnus and team nmp want a meeting with us on irc!!!

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Post by Bassist-X »

Hey sweet, I just became aware via NiKeJuStDoIt0k that I was on the invite list. Count me in. I'm on AIM and IRC just about all the time so either way works fine for me. I always liked the idea of this and now with it being connected with NMP it's going to be even better, I can't wait to get started. ~ Peace

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Post by mrhyperpenguin »

ok on the current list i count 13 people

so it would just make sence we all pick one map

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Post by fezzman »

mrhyperpenguin wrote:ok on the current list i count 13 people

so it would just make sence we all pick one map
I guess that would be a fair idea. If there are any extra spots left, assuming several people pick the same map, then a vote could be made for the remaining slots.

I am loosely beginning construction on the remake of the 007 Temple map. I'm not so sure that it'll be done in time for cxe though...definately not going to push myself as I'm still trying to finish Hostile v2.

That Temple map looks like a big mess in SE. I was originally going to open it in SE and have a second SE open for creation. Now I'm thinking that it'll be easier to look at the original Temple map on my xbox and copy it from there.

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Post by blink182house »

I don't know if anyone read it before, but i'd like my two maps added to the list. The Window and Team-HASTE! are the names.

Also, I don't think your whole 'nobody is in charge' thing is going to work. Sorry, but someone has to say yay or nay on some stuff. We need a good, respectable, leader for our team. This is my opinion... I mean, if we took away the law in the U.S. and said "okay, we don't want to boss you all around, so just try and do what you think is right..l." it'd be total anarchy.

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Team CXE

Post by UltraMagnus »

Team CXE, I have agreed to have your team be a division of NMP, this meaning that you will be connected with us, but have a different purpose. I have also agreed to get you started, organization is the key to getting these type of projects done and you're going to need alot of it with this many team members. If you join this division of NMP I will be your temporary advisor, get you started, give you my experience in building this type of project, and tweak your purpose a little. You can of course choose not to do this, however the members that i have talked to feel this is a good idea. I DO NOT want to take this project over, I do not have the time. However if you all feel ok with this, i have started a thread in the NMP Ideas section: please state what you are capable of doing for your modding team. Also state if you can meet in the IRC channel #halo-nmp tommorrow at 5 CST.

I want you all to understand. My purpose here is to help you guys get started, i would like to see this project be a success, have many versions, and be grouped with Halo NMP.

Team NMP

PS- If you do not want to join NMP or want to govern yourselves, you are perfectly wlecome to, I am only an advisor.

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Post by Bassist-X »

UltraMagnus - per our conversation on IRC yesterday you already know I'm excited about being a part of NMP and I think it's a good idea to get some solid organization so we can start developing a direction and some great halomods!

blink182house wrote: Also, I don't think your whole 'nobody is in charge' thing is going to work. Sorry, but someone has to say yay or nay on some stuff. We need a good, respectable, leader for our team. This is my opinion... I mean, if we took away the law in the U.S. and said "okay, we don't want to boss you all around, so just try and do what you think is right..l." it'd be total anarchy.
I think the original idea was to have this be somewhat of a democracy with the team members but I do agree we may need somebody to kind of moderate some things which is what it sounded like goatninja was gonna do, but we can figure all this stuff out with that meeting that UltraMagnus wanted to have.
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Post by xsnowmanx »

Thanks UltraMagnus! I believe that organization is one of the biggest obstacles in creating a working, successful product. I'm willing to contribute as much as i can to the Halo CXE project so anyone on the team can hit me up xubersnowman on aim. Also, i'm really shitty with times, and maybe other people are too...I'm pacific standard time so 5 pm cst is 4pm pacific time and 6 pm eastern time? Thanks for clearing that up i hope. Otherwise, I'm excited to be part of the project so thanks very much goatninja for including me and thanks ultramagnus for advising the team.


ps-i don't know if its clear but i'll be on tomorrow at 4 pm pacific standard time

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Post by fezzman »

Okay, I wasn't sure if I should post this in the nmp forum or here since there is not yet an official cxe forum yet. I'm away from my home computer with aim so I can't message team members on this subject. I sincerely hope that TheGuardians doesn't mind my modifying his map.

I've started remaking the Temple map to hopefully make it a bit more stable for CXE. Talk about a complex task...that map is by far more complex (construction wise) than any I've seen so far. Anyways, I estimate that I'm about 1/3 done with block placement. Because of so many bends in the hallways I've not been able to use a large amount of the ultrablocks, ramps, and panels.

Here's what I'm wondering if anybody would like to help out with. Would anybody care to extract the floor and wall textures from the original Temple map? I believe that those were originally extracted from the original Goldeneye game.

Also, anybody care to take a stab at changing the weapons and p/ups to look more like the 007 versions? This would go along great the already existing music/sound effects.

I felt compelled to remake this map because I've always liked it and because I've seen it mentioned several times in the cxe thread(s). If this should be kept seperate from the cxe project then just let me know and I'll put this project on hold.

Here's the link to the original:
http://files.halomods.com/viewtopic.php ... ght=temple

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Post by xsnowmanx »

Like you said, the Temple is pretty complex, but aren't most of the dimensions of the hallways the same? Would it been possible to encourage a NMP Team member to create two or three special blocks that fit the dimensions you need? I thought that they had a tool or two for easily creating new collision models...Good luck, I love that level and would very much like to see it at its full potential! Thanks!

Team CXE

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Post by fezzman »

So far I think I'm pretty close to the same hallway dimensions. I'm building the hallways so that I can widen/narrow them with relative ease.

Should someone want to tackle the skinning here's what I'm using where. I'll send them a ppf when they/you/whoever is ready to insert the new textures.

Panel #1 - flooring/ceiling
Panel #2 - walls
Ultraramp - flooring/ceiling
Ultrapanel - flooring/ceiling
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Post by MrMurder »

Well it looks like things are really taking off here for goatninjas project its a fantastic idea and with the proper cooperation from ALL modders not just nmp, everyone its going to be a great sucsess.
I can import scenery (not great at it)
My strong point i guess is creativity with weapons and effects which my mod for this project should show.
Goatninja asked me if i would do a Nightwinder for the first release so im on it and its almost done thers a whole load of new scenery and projectiles to slaughter your meatbag opponents lol.
So if anyone whants help or input on weapons hit me up on msn or aim.
Thanks for your time.
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Thanks for your time.

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Post by lildemonpunk131 »

Why isn't the secondry fire mod on the poll? I saw it on the first page and Realy hope ot makes it into the [loud correcting voice] MAP PACK [/loud correcting voice] because It's my favorite mod.
Last edited by lildemonpunk131 on Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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